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RE: Monday Night Football Numbers Drawing 🏈🏈🏈 Ten Player Pool Numbers 🏈🏈🏈

in #nfl β€’ 7 months ago (edited)

Send 1 HBD to book spot πŸ‘

I pay the winner 10 HBD. It would be chaos trying to get 9 other people to all pay. I run contest and pay them directly. If your worried about it or something check As seen below the previous weeks paid out ⬇️


⬆️ Ashlee is my girlfriend and we split the entry 50/50 week 6. Week seven pays out tonight and week 8 would be the one your buying into and below are the first five weeks…

Here’s the weeks prior, I sent 10 HBD and only kept 1 HBD and sent 9 when the person requested I do so to buy them spot for the following week ⬇️






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Ah, gotcha. I misread that as HSBI so I was thinking we'd all pay the winner, like in the three tune tuesday contests where all the sponsors pay the winner sepreately. I'll send 1 HBD right now.

U got it πŸ‘

The post will go up tonight or early tomorrow after we have a winner for tonight
πŸ‘ I’ll book u

I didn’t have my coffee yet and didn’t realize for a sec it was you πŸ˜‚. Sorry for all the extra details πŸ˜‚

haha no worries πŸ˜ƒ