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RE: Chops316 Monday Morning Quarterback: Super Bowl LIV

in #nfl4 years ago

I wonder if Shanahan will run away again like he did from the Falcons. I want to like sports and think the results are pure/real but explain to me how this guy can coach two teams into superbowl appearances and fuck up so baldly in the 4th quarter with big leads in both games? It's unbelievable. He should have been barred from the NFL for losing that Falcons game, this one was a little more believable but I have major doubts about the product being authentic when he repeated the same "mistakes" again.


Some guys just never learn I guess. To me it's just a classic case of a coach outsmarting himself. The 49ers were built on running the ball so Shanahan thought he would "fool" the Chiefs by throwing more. The dumbass still doesn't understand clock management.

Andy Reid was always terrible with clock management as well. He cost his teams plenty over the years. That's why I was shocked when the Chiefs were actually running the ball in the second half against the Titans when they had the lead. Took Andy Reid 20 years to figure out how to salt a game away.