Patchwork Orange, my first NFT

in #nft3 years ago

I haven't done any cryptoart since 2018 but I just fell down the NFT rabbit hole... I'm discovering a whole new scene of raredigital art on sites like rarible, superrare and makersplace. I'm thinking of building a gallery in Decentraland.

So here is my first NFT. I design my art with a Vector program called Affinity Designer. It really is a fantastic piece of software and I highly recommend you try it. If you've used Adobe illustrator, you'll feel right at home with Affinity. It's my main art program after Manga Studio and it's the one I use to create my NFT art.

Patchwork Orange .gif

I create the animation frames on Affinity and then make a gif animation file on GIMP. It works really well!

Here is a link this NFT on Rarible:

Let me know what you guys think. I'd love to get your feedback!


Awesome work, the animation is really effective. A gallery in Decentraland sounds like a good idea, I look forward to seeing what you create.

Thanks! I'd need to learn blender first and start learning how to build stuff. Are you any good at that

It's pretty easy to build in Cryptovoxels.

AH, ok I gotcha. I might actually have to take a further look at Voxels...