Fun gifs.. why not ?? lol

in #nftlast year

Hi everybody
I have been having fun making gifs via Giphy
This first one I made with some video I wasn't using but didn't want to put to waste. I'm learning how to use my Video Pad program.. Practice makes perfect :)

This next one I created to advertise a full video NFT I have for sale on NFT Showroom. Great place to feature your NFT's if you are in to that
Here is my link if you wanna check it out :)

The sea turtles I grabbed from a free site a while ago. This one was for my buddy @theturtleproject as he is featured on one of my tunes, Piss Off Song.. He's a fab artist.

This last one, I was messing around with my silver suit which is in my video I Am An Antenna. I have no boundaries. haha

Anyway, I just wanted to share them. If you are on the discord, you should be able to punch in Black Eye Butterfly or BEB to get them if you want.

Go ahead. It would be fun to see them pop up randomly lol