Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. (Margaret Mead)

in #nftlast month

What's up? Do you know what I find strange? That in the same way my life is circulating around my body and what's going on in my mind, so is your life? But your life isn't centered around me, but around your body and your thoughts. Just like I live to survive and work to grow, you are doing the same. In the way I have somewhere to go to bed at night, so do you.


We are all individuals, we are all unique, but in the same way I am unique, so are you. Isn't that both scary and beautiful? But it also opens up a world of opportunities. The fact that I am able to influence you, the fact that I am unique, means that I have some skills that you don't. I might be similar to some other person, but in the end, I am still myself, and I am an individual like no other person on this earth.

So, what does that mean? First of all, that we shouldn't walk around and think of other people as stupid or strange, but they are unique. They are individuals of which only one exist. Can you think of an NFT created by God of which there is only one? That's you! You are a special NFT with no copies around. So am I... and this is a limited NFT collection. What makes it even more special is that you cannot sell your NFT to anyone else, but you are the NFT, you are the unique person, you need to develop that NFT to be the best possible!


Interesting way at looking at ourselves as an nft! Sometimes we look at the dollar value of the nft and it appears we are in a bear market ;)

Everyone is going to take their own path and that is something hard to just let happen when you care about people. Best thing is to actively and thoughtfully practice sympathy when empathy is not possible.


Wow, that was a deep comment, so I feel like I need a cup of coffee to digest this and think more about what you just wrote...

Coffee is good for being thoughtful!

I definitely think about these things and use the #thoughtfuldailypost tag to connect with other thoughtful folks on the blockchain.

Spread those positive vibes!