First Thoughts Playing Splinterlands (scam?)

in #nft2 years ago


Thats what i heard all day, like really everyone just talk about nft and saying its a SCAM!!

and i think like the way other think, for ONCE !

but i saw plenty of youtubers also got money with playing NFT GAMES, yeah its a freaking GAME!!

and it also change my way of thoughts on NFT

after a long research, i found an NFT Play to Earn (Splinterlands), at first i dont really know what im doing and i have no idea what typical game is this, i saw a card fighting !, yes you ain't dreaming ITS A CARDS !

maybe some of you guys know about yu-gi-oh, but this one is really different !!

i saw many cards with many abilities that makes me really confuse, bet !

but as soon as im seeing this game SELL A SINGLE PIECE OF CARD FOR 100$, without hesitate imma go top up my balance and buy the SPELL BOOKS !

its unlock all the features on this game INCLUDING THE MARKET,

and im really excited to begin my journey on Splinterlands !

see you guys on part II !!!