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RE: Report #18 on usage of NFT For Peace funds

in #nftforpeace2 months ago (edited)

Dont make a victim out of urself all the time. U doing well, above average for any place on Earth. Scoring monies from charities, supporting neighbours or friends. Looking at the bright side of money making business of those nft wars curators or authors is not the worst idea. It can pay off, even with fear mongering war propaganda you are served everywhere. You seem well off anyway with your reports that everyone cherishes - thank you! Glad ur money transfer to ur mum or her neighbour's mum succeeded. Now those who voted on ur post have some peace of mind they helped in solving the conflict in Ukraine or, at least, contributed to buying or selling something by someone somewhere .


U doing well, above average for any place on Earth. Scoring monies from charities, supporting neighbours or friends.

A notable statement. It says a lot about you. I hope you say this to your friend who was robbed or to your neighbor who was raped or to your sister whose family was shot by terrorists, and whose house was burned. Don't complain, because you are doing well, above average for any place on Earth.
And I guess you have a lot of friends, who will help you when you get in trouble.