Chain of Legends: getting know the game

in #nftgames8 months ago

After yesterday's game, here is another one that I also found 2 days ago. Since its Whitepaper also said it was free, I naturally tried it. Chain of Legends


As always, I started by reading the Whitepaper. In the case of some games, they do not state clearly, but here it is clearly indicated that the play-to-earn version can also be played for free.

Chain of Legends: Whitepaper

Of course, that's enough for me to give it a try. The usual wallet connect is the easiest way to register.

wallet connect.jpg

For this, I use MetaMask if possible. Since I don't like it at all, I don't use it for any other purpose, only for NFT games, always keeping only the minimum amount on it.

The game first offers a tutorial that you can go through quickly, just to be on the safe side.


Also, there is not much I can do in the free version since I have to mine $CLEG tokens first. This will take some time. Probably 2 days.

cleg mining.jpg

Speaking of game tokens. Currently, the value of 1 $CLEG is $0.0017, i.e. $0.01 worth of $CLEG can be mined for free per day. Not much, not much at all, but more than nothing, and the rest depends on how fast I can advance in the game.

Of course, I immediately headed to the marketplace to see what the free $CLEG could be enough for. Not much at first. First of all, I will definitely need higher level $CLEG mines, which are not expensive, you can get better ones from 30 $CLEG, i.e. after less than 1 week I can make some progress.

Heroes, on the other hand, start at $200 $CLEG (approx. $0.35). Some cost $10-$30 worth of $CLEGs. These will be absolutely necessary for Adventures.


The game seems fairly usable and doesn't take much time, so I'll keep an eye on it and report on it later.

Have a nice day!

The pictures are Chain of Legends's property.



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