Spot The Alpha: A Comparison of Recent Free Mint Collections

in #nfts2 years ago

Recently there has been a trend of free mint NFT collections and some of them have excelled by a huge margin. Some famous free mints include Goblintown, We Are All Going To Die, and Ill Poop It. Now let's look at their historical peak floor price.

We can see the outlier is Goblintown, which reached above 7 ETH in the past month. This is amazing considering the mint cost is 0 ETH. Some other NFT collections that reached above 1 ETH including Killabear, We Are All Going To Die, Ill Poop It NFT, and God Hates NFTees, and WZRDS. Others that have yet to surpass a 1 ETH floor include For The Culture, and Moonrunners.

What makes them different from each other? How do we spot the next trending free mint NFTs? To understand the whole process of free minting, we will need to analyze the period of the minting phase.

Latest Free Mint Collection Stats During Minting Phase

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