I Tokenized the First in A Series of 9 Drawings Equaling a 10th: Fire Air Water Earth....on NfT Showroom

in #nftshowroom4 years ago



9 pieces that were done separately but fit together as one or stand on their own. I did these pieces while on Grateful Dead Tour, 1995 from Albany to Chicago, sitting in the trunk of my car on breaks while selling Humus and Tabouli burritos to pay for tickets, gas and lodging on our way across the country.

We were side-swiped by an 18-wheeler in Indianapolis before the infamous Deer Creek Shows in which un-fans crashed the fences down...

We had to drive around the country in a rental-car till August when my car was ready to be picked up from the dealer and then drive back to Woodstock, NY.

The pieces lived in the trunk of the car through all this. Several days after we got back, Jerry died, August 9, 1995.