My decision to visit Nicaragua was initially sparked by watching a video of someone volcano boarding down Cerro Negro, Central America's youngest active volcano 🌋
The volcano last erupted in 1999 and stands at 2,388ft tall.
Here's a photo of me at the bottom looking a tad windswept after the hike up and the best part! boarding down! 😎🔥More photos to follow later! I did the trip for $30 with @qt_leon who are a lovely bunch of folks and the only not-for-profit trekking/outdoors organisation in Nicaragua. Profits are donated towards supporting disadvantaged young people in the area.
#hikevolcanoeshelpkids #volcanoboarding #cerronegro #leon #visitnicaragua #nicaragua🇳🇮
Today's the dayyyy! I'm finally off volcano boarding up Cerro Negro 😄 I'm so keen that I accidentally turned up 55 mins early at 7am 🤦 It's not often I hear the words "Nyla, you're early" 🤣 Ah well, at least it means I have time for this
delicious Nicaraguan breakfast!
Very good photos!