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RE: Nigeria, Stand Up and Be Counted!

in #nigeria7 years ago (edited)

@onequality!!@onequality! Pardon me as this my first comment on your blog. I really appreciate your efforts and other curators in contributing to my growth and others steemians in general.
Without being told, I could recall how it was being out there alone trying to survive but nowadays we can boast of success all because of collective efforts of the Nigerian Curators and some external ones that contributed immensely towards the achievement.

Kudos to y'all. I open my my for y'all. Someday I'm gonna be curating too. I'm working towards that.
Shout-out to @ehiboss, @gloglo , @ogoowinner , @gbenga @maryfavour, @destinysaid, @stellabelle @surpassinggoogle and many others. I can't talk of success on steemit without having to reference them. More strength for y'all.