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RE: Science Thursdays hosted by @Zoneboy

in #nigeria6 years ago (edited)

Listen, when you say my kids are a danger to society and spreading disease im going to get mad. I screamed asshole to you after you said my kids should be locked into my house and not allowed to go anywhere. You cant attack peoples choices and family without getting some push back. There are ways to handle disagreements. Leaving harrassing, non relevent and slanderous comments on a Steemit post is not appropriate and you could have direct messaged me instead of leaving harrasing spam.


That's not what I said. None of this is spam. I've already screenshotted this entire interaction. You fucked with the wrong white girl. I didn't attack you, and there are dozens of witnesses who will agree. You can distort reality all you want. You are dead wrong on this, and I'm writing a post calling you onto the carpet for it.

Dozens of witness that agree? Ok? To what your racial identiy is or that you didnt have to screen shot your harrasment/spam/bully behavior as its recorded on the blockchain

They can decide that for themselves.

Or maybe you didn't notice how fast my comments were visible again, despite you flagging them all from three different accounts.

No honey. I screenshotted your harassment/abuse.

Good luck though. You're gonna need it.