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RE: Survey Closed

in #nigeria6 years ago
  1. yes, it was easy because I gave him money and he just had deposit it in my bitcoin wallet.

2)Yes, it was easy, I bought it with Ethereum on my binance account, I also have a community where you could just ask for any seller(steem blockchain is transparent, you can flag anyone who wants to steal from you or cheat you, especially if you have solid proof you sent it to him, which is awesome) so he/she sends the steem to you and you send them money. I was also earning on Steemit,sometimes I even trade my steem dollar for steem, it was also very fast and no transaction fee.

3)No, no serious reasons probably some day.



6)For now I don't but before I pretty used to,especially during my birthday, so much love 😍then.

7)Yup, I paid for a polo using steem, got airtime and data from a steemian with steem.