in #nigeria6 years ago

When you lose someone you go through alot of emotional processing, for me it was first thinking of every good thing the person as done, how he/she lived his/her lives.
Losing my grand ma and my great grand ma just few weeks after my grand ma had passed made me think what exactly are we here to do on earth.
Most good people are never recognised for their good works when alive but the minute they leave earth, they become the most appreciated, statues and holiday's are created in their name, yea maybe that keeps their legacy but i think or would say i prefer to be celebrated while i live not when i am 6 feets under the pile of dust and tears.
For the rich who probably own it all, and forget that death would definitely come, someday, and somehow. Oh! Well their children might handle the wealth well but they would definitely not get buried with it.
I guess the best thing to do is just do good when you can, that helps your salvation ans your generation!!Screenshot_20171119-060238.png