in #nigerian5 years ago (edited)



What is my offence?
What have I done wrong?
To deserve an untimely death

O parents of an unborn child
Listen to my wails
Destroyers of a growing fetus
Hearken to my grievous tears

You crushed my fragile bones
That I may cease to live no more
Ye that end an innocent soul
While my frail tissues struggle
Against the fetid odour of death
Which crumbles a tender life

"He's nothing but a bad blood
Not yet a living being"
They chanted nastily
Yet I move freely
Breathing, feeding, kicking
Flowing, glowing, growing
Deep down the womby abode
I am neither lifeless
Not a bad blood within

Am I really unwanted?
In the life of mankind
But barren couples seek me
Ready to sacrifice
Willing to forego
All the riches of the world
To grasp babies in their arms
And cuddle neonates fondly
Always praying to hear
Our cooing sounds
Fill their homesteads

Give me a chance to live
An opportunity to be alive
That I may put a smile on your face
Smooch the tears away
Please you in unimaginable ways

I deserve to live
Just like you are born
Reminisce a period of time
When you were once like me
Had your mother abort thee
You will be long gone
I have a right to live
So let me be.

1. item* item* item

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