
What most interests you?

The very long handled teaspoon, of course!

Before I saw your post, I also wondered what one has for breakfast in a desert.
2 questions:

  1. Do you have ideas for solid breakfast substitutes for those who are irrationally biased against liquid breakfasts?
  2. Are the mealworms travelling with you?

That long tablespoon is pretty amazing, I understand your fascination!

  1. Is the goal ketosis or nomadability?
  2. Sadly the grains in the mealworm farm got really moldy in the yurt. I released them back into the wild.
  1. I'm curious about both.
  2. Releasing them into the wild = probably died in the cold winter?
  1. Is vegetarian okay, or stick to vegan options?
  2. It was Fall when I released them, so imagine many of them made it to beetle-hood.

I never thought I'd feel concern for mealworms!
Anyway, vegan options would be interesting to try out. Thank you for sharing your ideas!

If I were vegan I'd have cubed avocados sprinkled with Caprylic Acid and some sea salt... Mmm, that sounds real good right now!