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RE: We leaf to

in #noneed7 years ago

[War Announce, 전쟁선언문] v.3

( ) 2018.08.09.Thu.07:51 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice,


[War Announce, 전쟁선언문]

Why you are getting this message is that you got involved into the war for Right to live, Freedom of Speech/Writings/Curation and Right to be Shown since some stupid self-fucked-justice Content-Nazism or Anti-freedom Commie Red Guards are people's-court-bamboo-spearing me @SelfVoteJustice and my writings.


Sorry for your inconveniences, but this message will be revived and upgrade forever until it is not hidden. Peace will be made as soon as such slaughters stop.


How to avoid this message : You can be next victims. Don't tell me to stop this message since it is of no use, but tell the man-slaughterers not to man-slaughter or at least not to upvote, comment, resteem, or delegate you or your writings or you should expel the slaughterers from your voting investment guild. Or you can mute me.

downvoting slaughterers : @changyoon=@topping

여러분이 이 메시지를 보는 이유는 다음과 같은 전쟁터에 휘말렸기 때문입니다. 어리석은 자뻑 정의감에 의한 언론검열, 컨텐츠 나찌, 공산주의 홍위병들이 저 @SelfVoteJustice 및 그 글들을 인민재판 죽창질하고 있기에 생존권과, 언론의 자유, 글이 보여질 자유를 지키기 위한 불가피한 항쟁을 하고 있습니다.


불편을 느끼신다면 죄송하지만, 이 메세지는 감춰지지 않을때까지, 무한 반복 재생될 것입니다. 평화는 죽창질 학살이 멈춰진다면, 즉시 성립됩니다.


당신이 다음 죽창질의 희생자가 될 수도 있습니다. 이 메세지를 보고싶지 않으시다면, 학살받아 기본권을 위해 항쟁하는 피해자에게 하지 말아달라고 해서는 이루어질수 없으며, 학살자들에게 다운보팅 학살을 멈추거나, 아니면 최소한 님의 글에 업보팅, 댓글, 리스팀, 님에게 임대를 하지 말라고 하시거나, 여러분의 보팅조합에서 그들을 축출하셔야 합니다. 또는 저를 mute 하셔도 좋습니다.


Newly included in v.2 upgrade

Evidence of @changyoon=@topping



@changyoon has been downvoting-slaughter @SelfVoteJustice at his stupid self-fucked justice.

And @topping started to bamboo-spear from this post.

to voting robots (-18,778.040 STEEM)
and is downvoting with only the downvoting power of just 60.0 Steem.But @topping is delegating all his 18,838.689 STEEM Power

Very funny.

What do these mean ?
Same guy?


Withdraw Vest. Route | changyoon(46) | 1%2018-08-02, 12:46

Percent 100
Auto Vest From Account @changyoon(46) To Account @topping


Withdraw Vest. Route | changyoon(46) | 0%2018-08-03, 18:10

Auto Vest From Account @changyoon(46) To Account @topping



Vesting Shares 1000000.000000 VESTS Delegator @changyoon(46) Delegatee @topping


YOON (25)
14 followers No posts Not following anybody
Joined ‎March‎ ‎2018@topping

18,838.689 STEEM
(-18,778.040 STEEM)

Delegatee Amount Vesting Shares Delegation Time

@steemhunt(63) 5,017.005 SP 10.165 MVests 2018-06-04, 03:58 @tipu(62) 13,761.049 SP 27.881 MVests 2018-06-22, 22:43

Delegator Amount Vesting Shares Delegation Time
@changyoon(46) 493.612 SP 1.000 MVests 2018-08-08, 12:41


No post, no comments for several months and just voting robot investing guy for interest profit
is bamboo-spearing others at the funny stupid self-fucked justice.


As I wrote in

@SelfVoteJustice : Who bamboo-spears Self-Voting ? v.1 part 1 - robot industry ( ) 2018.07.30.Mon.07:07 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice

My prophecy was right.

The robot industry will bamboo-spear humans to gather their investors and buyers.
And robot industry investors are bamboo-spear human writer-and-curators to get more profit.

Very Silly !!

Is this a terminator war ?


@SelfVoteJustice campaign writings related.

My Mission is to make Steem a PEACEful world.. 2018.06.30.Sat.07:30(utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice

Why is Self-Voting Justice and good to Steem ? (v.1 part 1 : fair for investment and labors )

( ) 2018.07.04.Wed.16:40 (CST), July4th, Independence Day by @SelfVoteJustice (wrote in utc+9 zone)

Why is Self-Voting Justice and good to Steem ? (v.1 part 2 : Two realities - selfish human and anonymous Steem )

( ) 2018.07.11.Wed.03:49 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice

Why is Self-Voting Justice and good to Steem ? (v.1 part 3 : Good even for the poor )

( ) 2018.07.21.Sat.06:41 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice


Self-Vote-Justice campaign - what to do ? (v.1 part 1) 2018.07.07.Sat.21:30 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice

Self-Vote-Justice campaign - what to do ? (v.1 part 2)

( ) 2018.07.16.Mon.11:19 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice

When they go down, we go up !! (Self-Vote-Justice movement, what-to-do, part 3)

( ) 2018.07.18.Wed.05:43 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice

Don't worry, be happy ! (about down-voting; what-to-do, v.1 part 4 )

( ) 2018.07.31.Tue.12:45 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice

What to do as @SelfVoteJustice supporter when others are downvoted ? (what-to-do, v.1 part 5 ) ( ) 2018.08.06.Mon.12:47 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice


Talk with Stupid Self-Fucked-Justice Bamboo Spearing Red Guard Supporting witness.

( ) 2018.07.27.Fri.07:35 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice

To Witnesses: Which side to stand for, Variety Liberal Capitalism vs Uniformity Suppresive Communism ?

( ) 2018.07.27.Fri.08:12 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice


War Announcement v.2 (revived; for the Freedom of Speech, Right to be Shown.)

( ) 2018.07.28.Sat.08:45 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice


@SelfVoteJustice : Who bamboo-spears Self-Voting ? v.1 part 1 - robot industry ( ) 2018.07.30.Mon.07:07 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice

Confused. @changyoon for or against @SelfVoteJustice campaign ? ( ) 2018.08.06.Mon.13:09 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice, revival from downvoting slaughter of the original..


[War Announce, 전쟁선언문] v.3

( ) 2018.08.09.Thu.07:51 (utc+9), @SelfVoteJustice,