Let Us Begin...

in #northcarolina2 years ago


I'm starting a restaurant. Not a fancy one, my concept has nothing to do with cutting edge cuisine, or the latest party trick in molecular gastronomy. There is only one objective:

To make an honest living by serving my community. One of the greatest needs in the Piedmont of North Carolina is nutritional food. High quality ingredients, high in nutrition and minerals, and making them accessible to the average person. The kind of person who would normally, never try a liver pate. Who would never once consider combining organ meats into a satisfying lunch.

That's it.



Easy. We've been told by our "government" that we can't have this kind of food. That we have to buy many ingredients on the gray market, because it's frowned upon. We have to cook the food ourselves, because it's illegal to make. And at times some of us have been raided simply for selling milk.

This is absurd. And since we're in a moment of social upheaval, this is the perfect time to go all in. I haven't cracked the code, I haven't found a loophole, I've simply had enough of this. People deserve better and we're going to find a way to get there.

And before I start to make this sound like a Crusade, this is a selfish pursuit. At least in part. Because at some point the passion wanes. When I'm 64, and I'm enjoying a different lifestyle, I don't want to worry about making food. I just want to go to the restaurant and order a damned cheeseburger, without taking another 5 years off my life!

So here I am now, and I want my future self to really enjoy life. After all he should have this all sorted by then, so what role does that leave to me?



Well that's the question. Because I can wax poetic all day long, but if I have no plan, I'm screwed. The plan will change, they always do, but you (or at least I), can't start without one. So here is this statement, put out into the world with an honest intent, and a dream to save the world
