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RE: Stovner high school in Norway begs police for help. "We can no longer provide safety for the students"

in #norway7 years ago

I feel like immigration is fine if it happens naturally. I define naturally in a different way in this context, though.

I think immigration is a natural thing. People are going to move into and out of areas as a natural part of their life. I don't think policy or living environments need to be changed to accommodate immigrants any more than a city would change to accommodate me.

In the US, we have the infamous plaque on Ellis island, saying we will take the poor, the weary, etc. I stand by that. But the poor and weary have to be willing to work and assimilate to a certain standard. That means you don't bring crime into your new country, you don't try to force a foreign way of thinking onto another country. There's just a level of humility that one should have when coming to a new place, whether a new city, state, or country. The level of entitlement that a lot of these immigrant populations seem to have, as well as the "progressives" that are seeking to "protect" them have, that is appalling to me.