EOS nodes, 301 redirect chrome extension

in #note-timknip6 years ago


EOS Nodes

https://eos.greymass.com - operated by greymass
https://mainnet.eoscalgary.io - operated by EOS Cafe
https://api.eosnewyork.io - operated by EOS New York
https://api.eosdetroit.io - operated by EOS Detroit
http://api.hkeos.com - operated by HK EOS
https://bp.cryptolions.io - operated by CryptoLions
http://dc1.eosemerge.io:8888 - operated by EOS Emerge Poland
https://dc1.eosemerge.io:5443 - operated by EOS Emerge Poland
https://api1.eosdublin.io - operated by EOS Dublin
https://api2.eosdublin.io - operated by EOS Dublin
https://mainnet.eoscannon.io - operated by EOS Cannon
https://eos-api.privex.io - operated by Privex (privexinceos) (HTTP and HTTPS)
https://eosapi.blockmatrix.network - operated by Block Matrix
https://user-api.eoseoul.io - operated by EOSeoul
https://api.eos.bitspace.no - operated by Bitspace
https://node.eosflare.io - operated by EOS Flare
https://api-eos.blckchnd.com - operated by BLCKCHND
https://mainnet.eosimpera.com - operated by EOS IMPERA


We will update this list as the community finds more reliable 3rd party nodes for usage with this tool.