Media wants USA and EU to be ashamed of reaping the fruit of their success

in #npr3 years ago (edited)

Apparently, decades of pouring in more money into medical field than any other country in the world, yelding superior heathcare field with bleeding-edge companies able to design a new vaccine in a record time and also mass-produce it, that not even all developed countries can do, is not a reason to be have the right to be first in line to use it.

A facebook post from NPR is seen to be shaming USA and EU for "hoarding" a fruit of their very own labor. Not a result of a lottery win, not a random dice roll, but a fruit of the huge amount of labor and money that were put into the research, development and testing by tens of thousands of people, supported by a whole society, historically built on principles creativity and success that allow those thousands of smartest the most creative people to strive. NPR believes these thousands of people should not feel entitled to something they have created with their sweat and blood, something capable not only of potentially saving thousands of lives, but also capable or returning the whole society all these people live in back to normal.

All those researchers, chemists, developers, and just brave testers, that worked to see their kids going to school or daycare, to be able to hug relatives in another state on Thankgiving or Hanuka or Christmas or Diwali, to be able to finally talk to their elderly parents, to be able for god's sake visit a restaurant without munchin on KN-95.

Sorry guys, media says you are all hoarders.

The term "hoarding" may include the practice of obtaining and holding resources to create artificial scarcity, thus reducing the supply, to increase the price, so that they can be sold to customers for profit.

That is obviously a false.

Neither USA nor EU should not feel ashamed – for what its worth they should feel proud. If it was not for them, the vaccine would not be even ready for another several years at best, by which time it would be almost useless, because virus would have been raged throughout the whole world with a grim ripper face. And of course creators are entitled to their creations, and of course they need to see the miracles produced by their doing happening to them.

And of course it does not mean USA or EU will live the rest of the world to die. No one is talking about that.

But you need to put your own oxygen mask on first.

What USA should be ashamed of, though, is having this kind of media, growing on the body of the very same society that is creating these medical miracles, but poisoning the mind with false shame and false guilt. False guilt never helped anyone, the only thing it does it makes people either depressed or resentful, both of which are string destrucing forces for any kind of organism.

Originally posted on Defund the Media. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.