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RE: N-th society contest entry: Revolution


This looks nonrandom, somehow! But I can't decrypt it.

These were once commons, a geographical locale without formal ownership, now transformed into refuge for the destitute wretches and our refuse.

It's interesting that what was once a fanciful sf invention — people living in garbage lands — is now normality.


Can anything man creates be considered "random"? I am under the impression that even as man attempts randomness, he creates a pattern inherent within the chaos of his matrix.

It is truly sad that man has polluted the very well from which he drinks. For all our vaunted intellect, in some aspects man is remarkably obtuse.

I note the propensity of the master in your vignette to justify exactly that which you decry.

Interesting that reducing society to power and wealth achieves that very degradation you note in this comment. It does seem to reflect what has happened to the world we live in over the time we have lived in it.

I suppose it's difficult to conceive of society that surmounts such malign actors by generating communities bearing each other sufficient goodwill to defend them against it. It seems not to have happened much in the real world, after all.
