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RE: Warrior girl

in #ntopaz5 years ago

@llfarms said that statement above in the most neutral and friendly way I know. There is no hint of accusation. She simply just explained why curators have to ask these things. I'm also not sure how @scrawly 's works are brought up.

It’s just some curation groups actually want to protect artists too and therefore are always working to avoid plagiarism, and other forms of “stealing” to ensure the right individuals are being rewarded. This is a personal choice by each curation group and user.

Every curation project has their own methods of ensuring the posts are legit and that it was made by the author themselves. These aren't attacks against you. These are simply just one of their ways to curate. I am an artist myself and I don't mind getting these verification messages as I can easily prove that I am a real artist. I'd be happy to see a curation project work hard to ensure they are voting for the right works.

Again, don't take this as an accusation or that we are doing something against you. Questioning is normal.