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RE: Warrior girl

in #ntopaz5 years ago (edited)

Hey yanes, not sure what “tone” you are referring to as my comment was just to address your text here;

Here I show you my new work "I JUST FINISHED", a warrior girl.

It is a job which "I THINK I WILL PAINT SOME DAY" when I have the time to do it, I hope I do not hurt anyone for doing something as cruel as that. XD

Which I took as a response to me asking if the works was old or new. Maybe I was mistaken.. or maybe I didn’t use enough smiley faces in my response so you took it as an “attitude”.

Many artists are rewarded for work in progress and their steps along the way. Not sure why you are using these links as that’s not the same works repeatedly being stated they just did it, and rather a progression of works over time.

Also, the work I asked a question about also received a vote from C2.. so why are you comparing others that also got a vote?

No one has stated anything about blacklisting you so I’m not really sure what you are talking about. Also, we would never blacklist someone for “speaking up or expressing opinion” so again, not sure why you are stating so. Unless you are trying to imply something and in that case, please come forward to address these things as we work pretty hard to ensure all authors of all genres are rewarded and are the only curation guild that is open to the public and anyone can be a curator.

C-squared runs its own investigations into what we vote and has the right to vote and not vote as we wish, which is stated in the guidelines. As you just received the “curator role” there, I hope you have read them.

Again, I asked a question as I’ve come across a few things I was unsure of. Please stop trying to make this into something it’s not. You’re in our discord, you can see what happens there. Please feel free to tag me or anyone else to ask any questions you have.