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RE: Sorceress

in #ntopaz5 years ago (edited)

I imagine that this guy is frustrated because nobody wants him, he feels alone and then he wants to annoy others.
I do not think it's just because they took him out of OCD that he's bothering me right now, but if, as you say, I think that enough problems are enough, so that someone else is stoking the flame more.
I love your saying! I am healed in health ehehheeh.
Oh! I answered him because he wrote me in the last two publications so I wanted to give him some love, but he did not correspond, maybe he does not want to be given sincere love.
Disappointed me! I will not respond more!😠
I think that people should be aware when making robots, so that they will be used and if they are using it correctly not for pleasure.
Giving this guy a robot is like giving a gun to a psychopath.