Enjoying my Valentines on the river of Styx as a Bee

in #nyxlabslast year (edited)

This post was made for the PC master race, its going to look snaky for mobile users.


The purple crescent moon and twin stars

The last day of New Year


Tis was a lovely evening, almost finished with the JIJI animation. There as we were chilling, i remembered about almost 4yrs now. When i made my 2nd post on steemit, @zeroooc was one of the few people who commented on my post. Back when i finished my 2nd digital drawing.

The gang was all there, @kothy, @ryivhnn, @rainite, @adamada Horny Mushroom, @thilah.

Trying to use my cuteness and a 9x19mm Glock 17C to convince them into logging back into this warzone and commenting on my post. And its safe to say that it works!

Phaaaa, i poured in alot of effort into the drawings and post! Im happy to say it payed off, not only did i get comments from the folks i wanted to thank all those years ago. But met alot of new and cool people along the way.

@jijisaurart with her cute chibi drawings, Awwww yesss! Finally another Chibi artist, best part is that she is a fellow pinoy.

We have @khoola and @pinkhub, Khoola the aspiring novelist and writer along with the peeping tom Pinkhub! Not sure if he has a only-fans but im willing to think that he created one.


And thus the 1st cog in the machine was set to motion! It is i the LvL.7 Dark artist using my hidden dagger, that is i can draw cute innocent looking chibis that are kawaii.


Sketch Sheet

Screening Phase

Around 2-days later, after doodling some possible designs that fit well with the references i was given, i drew 4 styles that im comfortable with.

Kothy bee

Cereal Bee
Business Bee

Initially i wanted to go with the Chibi style because ITS CHIBI! Like C.mon if you have seen my other post. My chibi's are lethal. Although i haven't been able to confirm any kills yet. But im guessing there is more than 3!

Chibi - The style most requested from me, *sobbing. Even though i wanna learn drawing gore, lewd and monsters. All i get are cute chibi/cartoons. All i feel is pain.

Kothy bee - This was my attempt on recreating the bee @kothy made with a hint of takuri. Basically chubby bee.

Cereal bee - For me, the majority of bee cartoons i saw were in commercials or sweets. Typically in the form of candy bars or cereals. Especially since i just made a post about KokoKrunch.

Business bee - TRADE OFFER!

Final Sketch

Creating a character sheet

For the task i was given, instead of drawing one character then calling it a day. I decided to create the lvl.3 package. Similar to the one i made for @pinkhub.

This features the typical Front, Back, Sides and other stuff that compliment the bee theme. Such a Bee hut, Flower bush, Flower and a jar of Honey!

There was also a Fence on the reference given, so i added it later on.

*To keep out @ryivhnn from stealing all the honey!

Base Colors



Saturated is best for gradients

As your looking at this, in sharp contrast to my mellow and light color scheme. This looks too saturated and doesn't look right. Trust me, this is all part of the plan. Based from my experience especially when i work with gradients. Best to maximize how strong the base color is and let the gradients smooth out the coloring for you. You can just treat gradients as filters.

Base Colors (HTML)


Gray Brown (#827552)
Yellow Brown (#a99a6f)
Yellow (#efd97b)
Dark Gray (#3f3c32)
Red (#e31337)


Yellow Brown (#a99a6f)
Yellow (#efd97b)
Orange (#ce851e)
Chestnut (#a34600)
Yellow Orange (#edbc00)


Orange (#ce851e)
Chestnut (#a34600)
Yellow Orange (#edbc00)
Light Brown (#d1854c)


Gray Brown (#827552)
Violet (#d23aab)


Pink (#f680de)
Violet (#d23aab)
Olive (#649e59)


Chestnut (#a34600)


Yellow Brown (#c98f35)


Shadow Colors (HTML)


Gray (#3f3827)
Brown (#695735)
Dark Yellow (#b09a38)
Black (#1a1811)
Deep Red (#7f0016)


Brown (#695735)
Dark Yellow (#b09a38)
Brown (#7b4800)
Dark Brown (#662c00)
Dark Yellow (#a68400)


Brown (#7b4800)
Dark Brown (#662c00)
Dark Yellow (#a68400)
Brown (#774622)


Gray (#3f3827)
Purple Violet (#94006e)


Violet (#c33aa6)
Purple Violet (#94006e)
Forest Green (#185c0c)


Dark Brown (#662c00)


Brown (#965415)


Lighting Colors (HTML)


Light Yellow Gray (#b6ac8f)
Light Yellow Brown (#e4d7af)
Light Yellow (#fff6cf)
Light Gray (#7a7669)
Pink (#ff9bad)


Light Yellow Brown (#e4d7af)
Light Yellow (#fff6cf)
Light Orange (#ffc97b)
Light Chestnut (#ffb985)
Light Yellow (#ffeca6)


Light Orange (#ffc97b)
Light Chestnut (#ffb985)
Light Yellow (#ffeca6)
Light Brown (#ffcca6)


Light Yellow Gray (#b6ac8f)
Pink (#ff9ee6)


Light Pink (#ffc1f2)
Pink (#ff9ee6)
Olive (#b3e4a9)


Light Chestnut (#ffb985)


Light Yellow (#ffd28b)

Kewk, im dying that was too much back and forth getting all the color coding. Also this was made in Medibang, the program uses HTML format for color coding. Unlike my previous post that use Adobe animate.

Overall the image is starting to take shape, however i might adjust it back and forth to suite the gradient to come, especially since @zeroooc was very keen on me using gradients.

Gradient Rant

Grrrr, gradients are very relaxing to use when im drawing cute stuff. Just 1 piece. However its another story for animation. Gradients, especially the use of filters in adobe animate is torture.

When im animating, i never use gradients. Unless its tweening or puppets then its alright.

V1 No glow
V1 glow
V2 No glow
V2 glow

No i don't want to do color codings for gradients.

Unless i wrote down the color codes when i was creating the gradients or the color pallet have them saved, it would be simple. But nah, i didn't do that. As such even if i color picker style the gradients. Because of how my gradient settings were.

They are not 100% accurate, more like gradients are diluted versions of whatever color i had selected at the time. If this was Animate or Photoshop then maybe.

Hhahahah i should have created a Mask instead of another layer. BLeh me too lazy to micro organize.


Only for the Bee folder, holy cow! There's also a effects, fence and background folder.

Its goes something like this.

Folder > Folder > Layer > Mask

Although its tedious, it helps alot when im dealing with thousands of frames, but for just this drawing i went over board. Yohohoho!

Ohh well, at least i can make a detailed post about it and complain at the same time. A win-win.

Base Color


Text (GS4L)


Light overlay

Background and setting the mood

AGHH YESS im almost done, all the blood suger from my body was getting sucked into this sweet sugary chibi art. So much and and tasty candy flower, that i went to buy some snack. By the time i returned instead of finishing the drawing, i spent the rest of that day just collapsed onto the bed.

*Note, eat candy when drawing candy. That way you don't feel left out on the full experience.

Base color: Orange (#d79635)

Gradient Colors (HTML)


White (#ffffff) (50%)
Honey (#e69d40) (25%)
Pink (#ff9bad) (25%)

Welp gradients are fun and very surprising to use, as long as you know what your doing and prepare beforehand. You can achieve amazing results! Granted i had to question my very existence a handful of time when i was still learning it.

Now its time for me to share how people reacted. *Ohh nyoooo









OHH NYOOOOO! Its Candy Flower and HONEY!

Tsk, yawl. Are just teasing me! I mean C.mon! Its a Candy flower and Sweet Glazed Honey. I know its fun to mess with the little taku and tease em. But how dare you! Only i am allowed to goof around and set hive on fire for a bit.

Hahahaha ohh well, at least @zeroooc liked it. Mission accomplished!

For those interested, here is the original medibang file if you wanna check it out.

The Drawing Program i used is Medibang Paint Pro. (Its super awesome and its FREE!)

Check out @zeroooc and his styx project @nyxlabs
(LEWL, i pass the hot potato on you. Awaiting your post soon!)

This post was made in Peakd. (All my Markdown knowledge left the body. Thank you Peakd for making my life so much easier!)

Thanks to @kothy, the one who made the reference where i based the bee and cuteness off

I guess that's about it, here are the respective images in png form.

Nyx valentines light.png

Bee 1.png

Bee 2.png

Bee 3.png

Bee 4.png





Bee hut.png

HAHahahah so many new Emojis.

@zeroooc can you add these as emojis for the Nyxlab server. UWU i can now react with honey and Bee on lilvegan's energy drink diet.

I guess that's about it. Thanks for Wathing!

-- Takuri


~~~ embed:1627669734308151296 twitter metadata:MTQxNjY4Nzc0NTA3NDgxOTA3M3x8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS8xNDE2Njg3NzQ1MDc0ODE5MDczL3N0YXR1cy8xNjI3NjY5NzM0MzA4MTUxMjk2fA== ~~~
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @jijisaurart, @bo022 ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

UWU, ty twitter

Chibee XD

The business bee (beesiness? Busibee?) is amusing XD

You do realise that you can just draw the things you want to learn how to draw and don't have to wait for someone to request it right XP

And why do you think a fence will keep me out?

Yeah, my passion projects such as the animations takes a while. Drawing for friends as a refresher or break from animating. Helps not only in trying out new challenges but its always a blast to gather everyone and marvel at my next victim.

*Going back into my animation hermit cave for the next few days.


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can't unsee. bees with cow tits.


There, this is what you wanted. Now pat that milkers


I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
@jijisaurart(2/5) tipped @takuri (x1)

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Im stacking pizzas

Wow, a lot of effort here, Takuri! I like the cute flowers and bees. Hmm, excited for the animation!

~Just keep going sabi nga ni Dori~


Ty so much JIJI! Huhuhu you comment on everyone of my post. UWU

Sorry i try to be online as much as i can.

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