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RE: Bringing back the Renaissance, Viola-style

in #ocd4 years ago

liked and subscribed. I have no idea how you played 4 different tunes and framed it all together. Seems like devilry and probably took a lot more than 24 seconds to think about and edit, etc.


Well yeah, I started at about 8pm and finished at some point on the computer where I passed out during video render... no idea when that was!

This is pretty much why I don't do video. Unless it is some unedited ramble, a short clip can take hours to produce. Single pictures are hard enough to get, nevermind screen then edit a little and I'm not even satisfied with the quality of most of the ones I end up with.

I actually had to transcribe it first, then learn each part (5, not 4 but i dunno how to make a 5-split screen), then record it with cats running around, then mix it, then video edit. It's a great way to waste an evening!

I'm no expert and I couldn't hear 5, but I heard like 3 or so. It reminds me of those choirs where they start at different times and with different tunes or whatever. I went to a catholic school where we had to sing, lol. Well it was the only music training I got. The only other person I know on hive with talent with these sorts of instruments asides from you is @bengy.

Oh damn, bengy has a viola d'amore! Damn those are so fascinating I've always wanted to hold one. Nice find!

You probably sang this back in the day without realising =P

I will be starting a Chorale class in a couple of months which is really exciting for me... Let's see how it goes