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RE: Hive onboard

in #ocd2 years ago

The first thing is I didn't curate it mindlessly. I checked for originality of the picture and content. It was not spam either. So I curated it. The only mistake I made was not knowing that the fraud may be at another level. In fact, some of the people who are here scolding for fraud were welcoming this person on his first post from another account. They now knew his identity and I didn't. That's my only fault.

It is safe to presume that any account created in Pakistan is very unlikely to come to Hive to create any legit content

I am extremely sorry to say that it is a racist remark. The experience with Pakistanis might not be good but it doesn't give anyone the right to spread a general negative opinion about anyone.
It would be much more better to say that all the new account should be checked for diligence, not only Pakistanis.


Besides that Pakistan is not a race but a country, the statement is about the users from Pakistan that are on Hive not the Pakistanis as a whole.
This statement is based on evidence as I have been fighting abuse around here since 5 years ago.

If you thought that the fraud on Hive is only limited to spam or unsourced images, then you know nothing about the amount of abuse on Hive.
The vast majority of fraud on Hive is content theft such as writing plagiarism.
Pakistani users specialise in plagiarism (writing & poems), identity theft (such as creating fake accounts pretending to be female), and creating botnets/groups of accounts to try to hit the newest curations or reward giveaways.