The search for a husband or a wife

in #ocd4 years ago

I think that marriage could be a wonderful thing if done with the right person. I think that choosing the one that you'll be spending your life with is one big decision that can influence you on so many leves. It should not be taken lightly or done for the wrong reasons. Thinking about this I felt inspired to write an article about it on my blog


You can read the article here

I think that marriage is a chair where both people can sit on during distress. Not with one throwing the other and saving themselves in tough conditions. If you think of marriage like an endurance test, I believe that it's even more important to think if you want to share a chair with that someone during highs and especially lows.

What would be the secret of a happy marriage? I would love to know answers from genuinely happy married people. Yeah, the ones that still like each other and are not together for the mortgage, credits, kids, or just because divorce looks bad in your 60's.

I think that just because we have no clue of how much time we are left each day living on Earth it is absolutely important to spend it with someone who adores/respects/appreciates you so much even when it's all bad.

Have a great day and toodle loo!

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Well personally I see my self questioning the marriage matter from the base.
I need to meditate on this topic more to really reach a solution in a personal level.

Yes, it requires a long meditation, that is true.

A common set of objective goals in life shared between a couple serves as an engaging bond like glue or duct-tape. A binding foundation serves as a ruler, an accountability mechanism. Two people should make sure they're both down the same path in life before locking hands.

I think it takes two people who share a common overall view of life and that finds ways to complement one another ebbs and flows, don't know how they do it though! I think the younger generation is more about gratification than building anything

It is quite a science isn't it? I agree with younger's generation need for gratification, I think that love became more like fast food rather than gourmet. But I do believe that there will always be people searching for quality rather than just a pretty face, a full wallet or for validation. Also society puts a lot of pressure on people and sometimes parents. Get married before a certain age, looking for ways to achieve status rather than searching for the meaning in the relationship. Such a rich topic to debate to haha.

Oh for sure, we could go down this rabbit hole for hours. I also read that the reason newer generations don't see marriage as a must is because of the size of the population, marriage was also primary for population growth and now that we're the size we are there's less need and so much "selection" people don't feel they need to stick to one person

Marriage is not about that.

That's your opinion mate, I look at macro factors not here to debate how people feel on the subject

You can fit everybody into Texas.

Macro-factors will show you that Europe and Japan is dying quickly on several levels for a few reasons. When you study history, you'll see certain patterns.

Scientifically, when kids don't have parents, historically, things fall apart, in a variety of ways, and all of this has been well documented for thousands of years, globally, scientifically, exhaustively.