Lockdown Is the Right Solution to Avoid Corona Virus

in #ocd4 years ago

Dear Friends...

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After WHO established the corona virus as a Pandemic, all of us started to panic, because it was considered something very Surabaya, other than its rapid spread, corona virus can also quickly multiply within 14 days without adequate care and treatment.

For this reason, the best way to avoid the virus and also to inhibit its development is LOCKDOWN or using a mask when we leave the house because of an interest.

Preventing it is the best solution rather than cure, even some experts argue, if we've been positive corona, although it can be cured with drugs. But, our lungs are damaged and perfect before we are infected.

We must not be naughty in conditions like this, because the virus does not know who we are, he will snatch whoever he wants. Stop blaming and blaming each other. Because the most important thing today is to keep together for the common good.

Never expect more in a situation like this. But, do whatever we might do while we are at home, because we hope more out there when it is dangerous for our bodies that is a very stupid and arrogant thought.

As long as we want to try to continue to improve and maintain from something that causes something that is not good, then the results are also good for ourselves especially and for everyone generally.

So from today onwards, let us take care of each other because hand in hand in a problem will make the problem quickly resolved.

Don't forget to share this post if this post is useful for our friends to read. Don't forget the suggestions and criticisms from all of you because a criticism is a science for me.

Regards for all....
