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RE: The Finish The Dang Novel Challenge

in #ocd3 years ago

Good job! I'm trying, I really am. NaNoFinMo is my goal this month but I have been slacking super hard. So many other things keep taking priority, along with a healthy dose of "lack of creativity". I did get past my stumbling point from beginning of December though so that is a plus.

November was much easier to dedicate time since it was dark, cold, and Winter and not all sunny, warm, and Spring.


I don’t know if I’d qualify sailing as “slacking” but I totally hear ya lol. And I’ll agree that it’s easier to commit to writeathon in the dark of fall/winter, but maybe that’s part of plan to kick my own butt into actually finishing the manuscript, attacking it when it’s hardest for me too. I’m really good at getting 20-30 pages in and then letting life distract me. Heck, my life’s always gonna be crazy I’ve decided so I prioritized😁

Of course, right now instead of writing im sitting in a school parking lot eating goldfish crackers and waiting for my youngest to get out of track practice so I can go buy him not one but two pairs of shoes. Yeee.

Can’t wait to read your book btw...hint, hint...

This is my travel keyboard that I have used very successfully to do my posts and it types really nicely. I use the full size with 10 key so I don't use my laptop keyboard at home. Rather wear this one out especially with the 100s of thousands of words I type a year. Just thinking since you are in the car you could be writing with the travel keyboard. These are good enough they keep up with @stryeyz 80+ wpm fingers of fire.

I'm 90k words in and I feel like I have barely started the story, I think I was writing all the backstory instead of the story I've got in my head. Or maybe it is the story and I just can't worry about it till it is out, then I can worry about making it coherent? All I know is none of it matters if I am NOT writing so first and foremost...

Ooh, that keyboard is snazzy! And I snortled so loud when I read fingers of fire that reminded me of Data's Pinchers of Power from The Goonies, lol lol! That said, I am in full admiration of @stryeyz's boss typing skills:)

90K! AHH! What genre of story is it? That's a lot of prose my friend, but not so if it's world-building and plot-thickening. Now that I think of it, most of us blogkins average around 30-50K words a month on posts alone, but still holy wow! I am about 25K in on my fantasy story, which is about 1/3-1/4 of the tale. My whacked out brain is constantly thinking in narrative though, so I write the story first and worry about the details later, which of course presents it's own challenges, doesn't it?

I guess like they say, if it were easy everyone would do it, but I so love it, and yes, you need to write, write, write!!!