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RE: Deleted

in #ocd4 years ago

It reminds me of my thunderstorm adventure last summer.

I was just photographing lightning strikes on the field. but the cloud moved very fast over me and I and my car were the highest objects there. I saw a lightning strike into a tree about 300-400 meters of me and that's when I realized, I need to get out of there fast.

I will leave this shot here on that same day.
A really bad shot, out of focus but I still like it.



This reminds me of my day of chasing lightnings! After a few failed attempts I gave up on chasing them. It's too risky and it's a bit of a gamble.You may get something or you'll just put your life at risk.

Yep, it's dangerous but I'm obsessed with getting gorgeous lightning shots. I just need to try to be safer while doing it.