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RE: ecoTrain QOTW #15: Why do we fall in love with certain people and why it is so hard to get over someone?

in #ocd4 years ago

I think that it largely hass to do with the ability to bond and beliefs and behaviors that reinforce that bond over time. More specifically, I'm refering to behaviors that do manesfest themselves in codependency. Rather, this is a state that is achieved bteween partners that based on shared values, deep trust, and putting the health of the union over one's own individual desires.

This does not have to negate one's own unique qualities personal goals. The bond serves as a foundation that says that, when in need, I know my partner has got my back.


True to build a relation there are many values that come into picture and it is a gradual process in building up the bond of understanding and a compassionate relationship.
I would invite you to participate in our @ecoTrain QOTW and share your views in your post.
Thank you @jaalig :-)

Thanks for the invitation.