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RE: Trump, the Coronavirus & Justin Sun ... a Rorschach Test

in #ocd4 years ago

Folks, your focus determines your reality.

Choose your obsessions wisely.

That, combined with all the scientific data collected above, is the perfect message. I tried explaining such things elsewhere but I made the mistake of being too detailed and too elaborate.

Forgetting the essence, silly me. Sending messages is an art. Art is the sending of messages.



Manny, I think you're being overly generous in your praise (but thanks). Let's be honest, this post didn't (and won't) diminish the hyperbole by one iota. When people feel morally entitled to their outrage, no one is going to talk them out of it ... either in poetry or prose, or with seriousness or satire.

So, one creates some art and tries to entertain those so inclined along the way.


Or that :) Anyway. You can see the rocker on the chopper among the blobs, right? Funny thing is I never tried giving my answers to all these original blobses...And I guess I'll keep ignoring most of them for now. Except for the rocker.
