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RE: Why Poor Whites and Anarchists Should Support Black Lives Matter

in #ocd4 years ago

Funny, ppl make themselves a 'them' or 'you ppl' then call it racist when you refer to them as 'them'...

You can't have it both ways! We are all brothers and sisters or we are not.

Also, it's funny how ppl pick stats that fit their narrative. This is called 'confirmation bias'.

There are many arguments that make the percentage moot and the same for the reciprocal. It's your choice to see the big picture or not. All the stats and details behind them matter, not just the cherry picked ones.

I'll always include all the details in my opinions. My point was that I've lived the life that the poorest black has and have been treated exactly the same. No White Priviledge here.

As a matter of fact, that claim is a load of shit and I'm the proof of it and the larger amount of my kind that lived a similar life. Of course, I've seen the same amount of racism from all ethnicities.

Finger point all you want, we 90%'ish are all in the same boat when it comes to the law. Talking the walk will never replace walking the walk. If you point a finger, you need to make sure the reason behind it doesn't also include yourself...


Nothing about the facts that I stated denies the reality of your life and experiences.

In the year 2020, there are black people born rich and just as privileged as anyone. Nothing I said denies this reality either.

I'm talking about systemic, as in, things affecting millions of people, with a wide spectrum of variance, issues. This is why statistics are useful. I'm not one to present a single state and claim that because of it, I'm right and you're wrong.

The point I was making was that it was easy to find these facts, which I did in a few seconds while writing that comment. If I wanted to spend several hours objectively researching(which I have btw) the outcome wouldn't be different because it's the truth.

I can understand where you're coming from because of your personal experiences, but you're denying the reality of other peoples experiences by claiming that they're not real and aren't happening.

Imagine if I said, "No you're white, which means you're privileged and had everything in life handed to you on a silver platter, THE END."

That would RIGHTFULLY be an incredibly ignorant thing to say seeing as how I don't know you, don't know what you've been through, and obviously can't speak about your experiences. That goes both ways.

The fact that we're all brothers and sisters obviously doesn't automatically mean we're all treated the same. If your brother tells you he's being mistreated, what would your response be?

  • No you're not.
  • You telling me you're being mistreated is the real problem.
  • You just need to stop bringing it up, that's causing division.
  • Since we're brothers, that means you couldn't possibly have it worse than me.

You wouldn't say any of these things because they don't make any sense. But this is the sort of mental gymnastics done by people.


Funny, we Caucasians are being told #1 all the time and that only we are racist. What does the claim of having white priviledge say, #2 or 3? I can go on and on. Talk about mental gymnastics!!! I'm sick of the hypocrisy!

BLM is a racist organization and I will treat it as such...