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RE: Cringey Steemit: $450 for a load of bollox

in #ocd3 years ago

Why did everyone move to hive and not fight backwards from there?

Steem was taken over (with the help of crypto exchanges like Binance, an act of criminal conspiracy by them), centralized, and outright stolen. Not to mention the failure of a certain greedy, predominantly Korean-speaking community to act as a member of the real Steem community, instead siding with the thief for profit.

There was no other recourse.


What if we started posting in both here and Steem? Would they know or care? How many hive people have both accounts, how many steem people have both?

My St--m account is muted, so no point in using it, but I know a lot of people post to both and maybe Blurt too. That is frowned upon by some, so could cost you in Hive rewards and you are likely to make less on the others anyway. I'm happy to let St--m die off. It has been corrupted.

Yeh, i gave up despairing. It just angered me too much reading so much crap. I did try to communicate by translating my own words first, but it took way too long, and nobody cared. heh, ffs.
Onwards and ignorantly upwards somehow :D I've switched thoughts back to history or weird stuff :D