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RE: Trump, the Coronavirus & Justin Sun ... a Rorschach Test

in #ocd5 years ago


Hi Lavi.

What was I on? I'll tell you what I was on ... Love.


Love for my fellow human beings who are making us all so proud in the way they're handling themselves in the face of adversity. Got a cough? Well then you'll need some toilet paper, won't you? A lot of it. Indeed, why not buy a few pallets and fill up the garage?

And bottled water, you'd better stock up on that too because, as everyone knows, widespread sniffling can make the rivers stop flowing. I was at the grocery store yesterday ... no more soup. Well, to be honest, there was still four cans of lentil soup. I suppose that ought to be a wake-up call for the company that makes that lentil soup. Even at the height of Armageddon people still don't want what they're selling.

I'm thinking of trying to create a run on underarm deodorant. You know, manufacture a few memes about how Coronavirus makes your perspiration particularly smelly and then stand back and watch an army of mask-wearing stinkers battle each other for that last stick of Old Spice.

Grace under pressure.

Our ancestors would be proud.
