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RE: Current Thoughts about Current Events

in #ocd4 years ago (edited)

Yes, even though I regularly criticize the USG's murderous foreign policy, that doesn't mean that I want a Chinese system to replace it. Actually, that would be far worse and where people are not free to speak their minds, especially politically.

If the USG actually supported freedom, democracy and human rights the world would be a much different place.

It's sad and disturbing that the American military machine always justifies its interventions under the guise of lofty ideals and humanitarianism but we can plainly see that their rhetoric is antithetical to the values they claim to uphold. In reality, they are simply attempts to hide the acquisition of power and resources.
It matters not who says it: Trump, Pompeo, Bolton, Pelosi, Hillary, Biden, Obama... none of them believe what they're saying. The system is so twisted and corrupted that we cannot trust a word any of these people say.

The system is showing cracks and I hope that the American people will regain their power and reclaim the country from this criminal class.


I hope so too!

One result from the riots/protests have been police defunding, putting those resources into addressing the causes - though it remains to be seen if it will be spent wisely or not