The Weekly Zekely - 17 Days of Canadian Winter

in #ocdlast year


Seems I stop looking for a sec and then it is suddenly 17 long winter days since the last Weekly Zekely. I like to look back through the pictures on my phone and share with the #Hive community for inspiring conversation and gigantic crypto rewards.

The last month has been a long year for sure and here is a cross section of things battling for my blockchain time.




Since I last checked in, winter has finally fallen here. Sure there were a couple snowstorms and some cold days before mid-February but warm spells seemed to break it up and winter never really settled in. It began with an ice storm that was surprisingly forecasted a few days out.

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There were some broken branches and many people mailed in work and school to stay home safe. I was the sucker out at the dog park but managed to snap some pretty fun shots even with my iPhone. This is a burr with wearing an ice crown instead my dog's fur.



Speaking of said dog, Stripeface McGee gets over an hour a day of my time where I happily accompany him to Dog Wars. I could easily become one of those people who post too damn many pictures of their dog. Walking him was not originally my department but I got in the habit of bringing him here as he lovers it so much. Besides that, I enjoy a nice walk and a puff to disconnect myself from my business day.


Alright one more.


Fun, Activity and Family

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We also celebrated Family Day as a provincial holiday designed to create a long weekend in the moddle of winter to spend some time with family. For some reason, we stayed in town this weekend so we enjoyed extra downtime, chore time and fun time. One of the neat local events was a free family skate thrown by a new local business which promotes local events. I made sure to go so that my little one could get some skating in, and to take a reel of pictures the company could use for social media. Seeing as I have a big hockey tournament within a month and I have been on skates once in the last 3 years, I needed all the skating time I could get.


Strictly Business


Since the skating had a hint of business seeing as we are partnering up with the event holders, might as well get into a little more business. During one of the snow storms, there was a scheduled meeting of the Chamber of Commerce. This one was at a newer local business and a couple dozen people weathered the snow to meet with other business owners. The mayor was there and number of other business people and entrepreneurs. These events are a bit of a waste of time but I usually have at least one good conversation and there is free beer!




Business and charity mix often as we have partners in the local multicultural association The snow melted a bit and I joined my friend Geza to do some grocery shopping for someone in need. Before you congratulate me for charity work, you need to know that Geza spent his time and his own money purchasing a shopping list of food and essentials for a nice lady and her son. Knowing people like him make is a piece of cake to help out.


Green Thumbs

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Another charity partner and client we have is the local food center This was strictly pleasure though as they had their yearly seed exchange. My little one volunteers here weekly with the kids cooking program but we were here to grab some seeds for flowers and veggies for this year's garden. So well attended and it was great to be around a hundred other growers and gardeners.


Green Aquarium


The only segue I have into this would be growing and green. I recently pruned the 90 gallon aquarium of some of the java fern and other plants so that the fish had room to swim. This is not the before picture but the after one as the roots boomed with the transition. I am not sure if there are other aquarium enthusiasts in my legion of followers but I am wondering if anyone has seen a root bloom like this and knows what to do about it. I could rip them all out and prune them too but I may take another pass at them and try and bury them under the gravel where they are probably meant to be. Oscar is in the lower left corner in case you need to see a fish.


Green Hockey Playoffs


Now back to winter! We play hockey year round but the playoffs are usually toward the end of the long winter. A local team is headed into their second season playoffs and looking pretty. We help with some of the promotion of the league and events which now include playoffs. So much fun gets amped up a level when playoffs arrive. The fellas took the first game and are saluting the 700+ people who showed up for the spectacle. I should have a story to tell by the time the playoffs are done.


More White

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Who said we are done with winter? Just a few days ago, we had another snow storm probably because people were talking about the end of winter. Happens every year. Most likely will happen again but so many people have memories shorter than a year or else they would remember March snow storms and cold snaps happen EVERY DAMN YEAR! I will have to get some more gas for the snow blower as this was a lot to move off the driveway and sidewalks.




Of Course there was beer! Here is my prototypical empty shelf picture I post just before I succumb to wife pressure and finally take the empties back for a refund. Hoarding empties and taking a picture of them would be absurd if it were not for being a #beeologist with a worldwide following on #hive! These are some of the brews I have enjoyed and featured on #beersaturday so far this year. I will cash them in for more beer money but not before sharing them with the world.


This was a long one because is covers over 2 weeks and it feels like I have only given you a small sample. I would save more for other posts but I will have a whole new reel of stories to tell next week.

Thanks for checking in and a sincere thanks to new and old friends for the warm welcome back!




I am honoured to curate for:


Is it Wintery where you are?


It's Wintery but melting :(

Incoming allergy season! PUSHUPS!
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