What an offshore development centre offers

in #offshorelast year

Want to cut costs and boost efficiency for your business? An ODC is the key to unlocking exponential growth for your company! With an ODC, you can tap into the affordable labour market in countries like India while still getting top-notch work.

An offshore development center is a cost-effective way for companies to access skilled IT professionals in foreign countries. Companies establish ODCs to develop software or perform other IT services and are staffed with dedicated professionals who work exclusively for the company. The main benefits of ODCs are:

  • Lower costs
  • Access to a larger talent pool
  • Increased flexibility in scaling resources for specific projects

Offshore development centres also offer a supercharged development process, freeing your team to focus on what they do best while your dedicated team handles the tech. With the latest technology and a group of expert engineers, your organisation can stay ahead of the game and hit your business targets at warp speed. An ODC can also guarantee:

  • 100+ dedicated engineers
  • rapid scalability
  • new technologies
  • total alignment with HQ