How Much My Gladiator Cards will Earn

in #oneup3 years ago

I was recently able to open my first three Gladius Cases due to my Guild’s Store opening. Sadly, I was rather unlucky and received close to the bare minimum possible of all commons and one rare per pack.

All Cards.PNG

Even though I did not have the greatest luck, the cards will still be a large benefit to me and my account. I received a total of 300 collection power and airdrop points for the gladius packs.


While 10 SPS over the remaining 263 days isn’t much, it is something. SPS seemingly has a bright future and every little bit helps. With each Gladius case opened, the airdrop points will only increase.


Each gladius case looks like it will currently earn you at least 2 SPS by the end of the airdrop, if you manage to have a bit of luck you should be earning far more. The Brawls will add to your earnings in no time.

@jim-crypto @doomz @ultm8x @tedus @jbtc19warrior



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🎴 Excellent post. I have crossed it in the @Splintertalk Community.

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