Did You Know Other Players Can Delegate Cards to You?

in #oneup2 years ago

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This is Amazing

With the Rental Market fluctuating as it does some advanced Cardholders inside of Splinterlands may be looking for a better deal. Something that requires less active work.

If you have been playing Splinterlands for a while you already know that the cards you play or are available for you to play make a huge difference. For example when I have the mana to play Yodin, and I have rented him for that day, those battles are normally victories because Yodin gives all friendly Monsters the blast ability.

Yes, I have found that the summoner makes all the difference in the world, and some summoners are better than others. Be careful if you are in the Bronze Leagues like me then most battles will be low mana battles.

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This is a Side Deal

If you are like me first you must find someone that has amazing cards and are not playing or renting them. When a player delegates cards to you this helps your deck power and will help to promote you to upper leagues.

It is important that you work out a deal that is both fair to you and the owner of the cards. Normally a 50/50 split on the DEC won while using the delegated cards is common, but it really depends on what you negotiate.

This is one of those rare win/win types of scenarios. It will require tracking on your part. Whenever you are battling using the delegated cards you need to track your wins so that you can pay the card owner accurately.

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You Need To Make It Profitable For The Owners

For this to be a good deal for the owner of the cards, they must be able to make some DEC so be sure that you use the delegated cards regularly, and if for some reason you can't win with those cards replace them.

If the owner of the cards is not making money then they would be better off to rent the cards or sell the cards.

Would You Like a Free Splinterlands Card?

Every Monday at 2 pm EST, Wednesday at 9pm EST, and Saturday at 2pm EST. I will be doing a live stream about succeeding with Splinterlands. The Journey to Gold and Beyond. I will be giving away a Splinterlands Monster Card, so be sure to have your in-game name (IGN) handy to pop in the chat when prompted, to qualify for the giveaway 😃

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