Brawl Battle Victory with Sea Monster

in #oneup2 years ago (edited)

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Brawl Battle Victory with Sea Monster

I put Sea Monster in 1st position and had Byzantine Kitty for my Summoner. Byzantine Kitty has +2 Speed, Heal 1st Position Monster, and True Strike for all friendly Monsters. This gives Sea Monster added speed and healing.

Giving my monsters a +2 speed is crazy because some of them are pretty fast as is. Having a Sea Monster with +3 speed is amazing considering its melee attack is +4. Dragon Splinter is very powerful. Byzantine Kitty in my opinion is Dragon Splinters best summoner.

Look at the image below to check out what this extra speed looks like.

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Phantom of the Abyss +8 Speed!

I have never played a monster that had more than +5 speed so I was very interested to see how this battle played out. My opponent had some sneak and opportunity monsters so they did some damage to my backline leaving me with Sea Monster, Phantom of the Abyss, and Flying Squid. At this point in the battle top of the second round, it appears as my opponent will win.

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Things Go From Bad to Worse

In the Image below as we are at the bottom of the fourth round my opponent still has 2 monsters Tenyii Striker and Magi of Chaos both formidable monsters. I only have my Phantom of the Abyss. Refer to the image below.

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Would You Believe I actually Win This Battle?

This is amazing because Phantom of the Abyss is so fast the enemy monsters can barely touch him with speed of +8 and the enemy monsters only have a speed of +2. Phantom of the Abyss cuts through those last 2 monsters like a hot knife through butter.

Refer to the image below

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Not only did I get Victory but this was a great Brawl for me with a 4 Win 4 Loss, and was awarded 600 merits the most I have ever won in a Brawl.

If you would like to see this battle just click the link below.
Click Here To See Battle

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