An interesting and heartwarming doco about "The strangest village in Britain"

in #onlyhuman7 years ago (edited)

This was a fascinating look at a village almost entirely populated by people with special needs : Autism, Downs syndrome and various learning disabilities.

It has some hilarious and adorable moments, and it made me really happy to see that these guys have worked out a way for everyone to feel needed - everyone has their own jobs, and although there can be a bit of conflict between some of the villagers everyone is generally treated with respect and care.

We need more communities like this.

As a parent of 2 young non-verbal autistic children with a wide variety of "issues" this really cheered me up for some reason.

I really struggle to imagine the future for my kids - while they've made massive progress they are still a loooong way from any sort of independence. Unfortunately, there's a good chance it may never happen.

I'd love to see something like this in Australia - even though public awareness and attitude are improving it would be a huge weight off my mind to know that there was a place we could go where almost everyone was aware and sympathetic to their needs/fears/habits and we wouldn't stick out like we do at the moment.

Even if you're not personally affected by these issues - it's also fascinating to study the psychology and interactions between these people. At the very least you may get a giggle out of some of the cuter moments (like the 2 elderly guys deep in discussion in their own invented language).

Posted to youtube on 2016-02-28 with this description :

A moving film about the Yorkshire village of Botton, a place where eccentric behaviour is celebrated and people who might have difficulty being accepted by the outside world are welcomed.

Posted via steemvids