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RE: Long Overdue Update On Everything

in #ono6 years ago

Interesting to hear an update about your involvement, I've heard more than one person disparage your involvement "shilling" ONO, and to be honest I didn't know much about it or your involvement.

People who are "all in" on Steem are going to be hostile to a competitor, which ONO clearly is, and not only that it's on the platform that the former lead dev of Steem created, there's clearly a bit of shade still there. So not hard to connect the dots.

It looks cool, and I'm not a Steem maximalist, we have to be pragmatic. I'm still not sure about EOS and how the platform is going to develop when it gets battle tested but I'm interested and following things. I wish you good luck with your involvement in ONO.

I should say one thing about the idealism. In my experience it's never the whole story. "Making the world a better place" more often that not turns out to be spin. There are idealists for real, you're one, but ask yourself what are you hoping to get out of it? What are they hoping to get out of it? Being honest with this question is so important, it's easy to hand wave away the hard truth here.

I would caution your trust of anyone (a n y o n e) and like any investment, and everyone is super fond of saying this, don't invest more than you can afford to lose. That goes for your time too, and the time you put into ONO. You know this, I just say it to say it.

Also, what happened to ERA, the users, team and investors? Did people get burned or did it land and dissolve gently?

Keep us updated! The journey will be interesting no matter what happens.