To Those Who May Comply with the Order to Show a Vaccine Pass:

in #open3 years ago


I will never, ever, comply with any order to show a vaccine pass of any kind, not a paper document and, even more emphatically not a digital document. I will never, ever, participate in creating any digital vaccine pass or permit or entry pass of any kind. The only type of passport I would allow to be created would be the normal and lawful Canadian Passport for international travel as is proscribed by our laws. This decision of mine is irrevocable because it is my decision based not just on my life, my body, my rights as a human being, but even more the human rights of every person now and in the future.

I could be polite and say to you who are inclined to be compliant to such a pass system that that is your decision and I understand. But I don’t feel polite about it. Because every time you create a digital “pass” and show that pass on orders from anyone you are creating a world where my rights and your rights have been turned into privileges that can be taken away at any time for any reason or none.

You are not just throwing away your own rights as a human being, you are taking away mine. You are making it easier for the government to compress and terrorize me and squeeze me into isolation and silence and penury. If I as a non compliant person become the minority and you as a compliant person, with your smart phone showing that green screen of permission, become the majority you will have helped to destroy our country, our freedoms, our laws, our future. You will have helped to put us non compliant people into a sectioned off, reduced, second class population with privileges maybe, but no rights at all.

In so doing you will have also put yourself into an enclosed space but it won’t feel enclosed at first, not until you fail to be compliant. You’d never do that, would you? Fail to comply? You obey the Law. What’s that, what’s the law?

The law is anything the government says is an order, isn’t that right? I Isn’t that how you feel about it? I’ve asked some of you compliant people I personally know why they are complying with the latest arbitrary rule by the sole “temporary emergency” dictator of our lives, our Public Health Officer Bonnie Henry, such as now we must cover up our mouths and noses as long as we aren’t eating. I got the reply, “It’s the law.” I said no, it’s not a law, it’s a rule. It never registers. People just don’t get the difference.

They won’t. You won’t. Not until you present your pass to the ticket taker or the restaurant manager or the guy behind the counter at the motor vehicle licence place and suddenly you find that your cell phone screen has turned from green to red. The clerk or the ticket guy says, sorry, no admittance. Whoops! You forgot that notice that popped up on your screen last week, or was it the week before. You were given 2 weeks to make an appointment for your six-month regular booster shot and you failed to comply.

Did you know, O Compliant Ones, that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, that smily guy you like so much, has said that after he wins the election with the help of your vote he’ll use a billion, Billion with a B, dollars of your tax contributions to set up a national digital “vaccination pass” to keep you all safe from non compliant people who may try to sneak onto trains and buses and ferries along with you. Because it’s his duty, he says, to keep you safe and protected from non compliant people. You’ve been good, you’ve gotten your two jabs (and you’ll get your booster shots, won’t you? Sure you will!) but that doesn’t mean you are safe. You can still get THE VIRUS! You could have THE VIRUS now! Anybody could have it! The Government said so! That sneaky non compliant person looks perfectly healthy, no runny nose, no sneezing… Oh My God! He cleared his throat!!

Oh if only there were a digital pass everyone had to carry on the smart phone everybody had to carry and show to anybody who claims to be in Authority in order to travel between provinces, or between cities or…

A billion dollars, BILLION dollars, spent to set up this digital “vaccine pass” temporarily. Just temporarily, just as long as we haven’t beaten THE VIRUS. Just until January, or next September, or the following January or…

Just until 80% of you get inoculated… or make that 85%, or maybe 95%… OH! And then you MAY have to get a BOOSTER shot. And then another one. Whatever Tony Fauci says we have to do our Prime Minister will make us do. For our own good. Just temporary. Yeah right.

OH OH! Now we have to beat Global Warming! Did you get your Carbon Quota Pass yet? Excuse my irony.

Did you know that our medical information, yours and mine, is protected by privacy laws? Nobody has any right to make you disclose it. And did you know that you have the absolute right, the ABSOLUTE right, to refuse any medical treatment or procedure or intervention or test or genetic test? We have the right to demand that the pros and cons of any such procedure be explained to us clearly and completely and if we aren’t satisfied that we want it we can refuse to undergo it? You have that right and I have that right and we have no obligation to explain our reasons to anybody. That’s in the Nuremberg Code that our government signed on to and it is the law. Moreover these freedoms and rights are protected by federal and provincial laws in the criminal code. THAT”S the law, not some rule about passes or vaccines or masks or anything else that breaks the law.

Like a vaccine pass. That breaks the law. The prime minister of our country vows to spend a billion tax dollars to break the law. The BC government announced that you and I will get a vaccine pass so that the government can break the law. With your kind permission, O Compliant Ones.

Do you imagine that once the law is broken it will be glued back together? Do you imagine that once lawless power has been given to the government by you it will ever be given back? Do you imagine that once you have given your freedom away they’ll kindly give it back to you for free?

Oh, I forgot. You don’t care about that. You don’t want to hear about that. You trust your smily Prime Minister. The government will get the go-ahead to treat you and your kids and your grandkids like perpetual children from here to eternity and the government will never abuse that trust because they are all nice polite compliant Canadians just like you.

The government would never break the law by coercing people to get a PCR test and hustle them off to secret hotel as if this were communist East Germany. You don’t imagine that would ever take place even though it’s been taking place all across Canada for months at the behest of our smily prime mInister. You don’t imagine anything, it seems.

I do imagine things. Maybe you don’t, but I do. I’m imagining you are going to “Comply" me into some sort of a Great Reset/Nineteen-Eighty-Four/ Brave New World because you don’t have an imagination.

Sorry to be so impolite.