
I believe that's what it takes to be a songwriter, being able to write and feel the emotions of someone else although it is not your own experience. You did great!

That's a really good point. I actually didn't even think of it that way. Makes me feel like less of a bullshitter. ;)

Thanks for reading and listening!

Fantastic lyrics my guy! Is that a baritone uke?

Thanks! Nope, it's a tenor. A little bigger than concert, and with a low wound G string. That's what makes the difference. Makes it sound a little less uke and more guitar.

I'll probably have a baritone for the last two weeks of the challenge. I'm ordering one tonight probably. :)

Baritones are awesome. My roommate has one. It might be the greatest instrument ever invented. I speak with no hyperbole.

They are indeed. I just ordered one from Amazon via Have you heard about them yet? They take Amazon orders with BTC. ;)

Anyway, I got a Kala K-AB. Mostly mahogany body, should sound great. Let's hope I get it before the challenge is over!

Whoa that's cool. Definitely gonna start buying from amazon with this.

You made a great song! I think that this song is better than the songs I listen on the radio. Congratulations!

Thanks! There are some great songs coming out of this contest. You can check them out at #openmicsongwriters

Appreciate your support!

vote boss got me yes

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Ya mon! I'm glad you're feeling that way about the contest. I have similar feelings & have in the past when I first posted an original song to steemit.

look at me now hahaha ;)

Keep up the fine songwriting. It's funny, i'm noticing that quite a few of us have tapped into similar lyrical rhymes, themes and vibes. Lot's of longing and melancholy moods.

Maybe we are tapping into the Steemit music collective consciousness... ?

I'm a huge believer in that kind of thing. I call it hive mind. It's the only explanation I have for learning to type successfully. The creativity goes round and round.

I'm really glad I decided to go for the Songwriter's Challenge. I ended up finding a great outlet. :)

Thanks for your support, Jay!