OpenMic Songwriters Challenge Week 7 - "Right Time For Us" (Original Song)

in #openmic6 years ago (edited)

We hardcoded the lyrics in the video so you can read while listening

Otherwise you can also see the lyrics below:

Right place, Right time
Makes me again good as new
Ain't the last time that
I'll come back for you

Sometimes I think you want to
Be more I ever was to you

Just the truth
There's no rule
It's a right time for me and you

Situate yourself
On my wings
And you and I can go places

Come situate yourself
On my wing
Let's make this worth our while

Sometimes I think you want to
Be more I ever was to you
You and I can go places

Sometimes I think you want to
Be more I ever was to you

Just the truth
There's no rule
It's a right time for me an you

Just Green Line (Absolute).png

About us and the song:

For those seeing us for the first time we are a married couple from cities of Split (Ivan) and Omiš (Ava) located in the amazing county of Croatia, we are independent artist currently located in a rustic stone house in the outskirts of Split city. We are avid couchsurfers - workaway hosts, hosting above 200 guests from all around the globe meeting many interesting people that are in search of experience and recognizing themselves.


The song I've made for this contest was a real pleasure, setting out from improvisation like always, I've decided to head in the sort of the 70's rock&roll direction as the first riff I've made and the first line "Right Place, Right Time" had that sound so I decided to stick with it and let me lead me through on its own, Ava my wife actually played the bass guitar for the first time in her life and that in the 8'th month of pregnancy 😁 may I have a round of applause for her...

Hope you enjoy the track, see you again soon, we are gonna probably make another take for the Week 67

Just Green Line (Absolute).png

We are new here and we started to see slowly the people responsible for the creation of this great event so may I ask you to give a big shoutout to the creator of the Open Mic @luzcypher and if you are a musician join this competition here

The main sponsor of the contest @pfunk making this contest happen on a grand level here on Steemit, if you really care and want to support this competition and the well being here on Steemit I urge you to vote for @pfunk in the link below

I would like to thank also @gtg for helping me a lot with numerous things I wasn't aware of here on Steemit, and would urge you to take him as a serious candidate for a witness here on Steemit because I personally talked to him and only thing he truly wants for this community is stability and a good content flow, vote for him below

Also thanks to the people that brought me here in one way or another @dandelion @your.system @topkpop @djlethalskillz @seveaux @chiefmappster

And my great friends @supermiaou for helping us with the recording, they are new to Steemit check them out and their beautiful music below

Just Green Line (Absolute).png



Written and arranged on the 06 January 2018 by @ivan.atman

All Rights Reserved.jpg

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LINE (Gradient) WHITE UP (THIN VERSION).png (2).gif



This is truly great and you get my upvote, but little less reverb would do your song justice aswell if not even better;) Outtake is funny;)

@senzenfrenz hey man thanks, I like the reverb to fill the space instead of drums, I really don't mind it 😁people are used to less reverb because mainstream decided that is the rule, even though reverb was used in majority of pop music from the 50's all the way to early 90's, I get this all the time about reverb, but really it is all about the taste in music and production values, today it is all about minimal, because it's so easy to produce, when I produce I put less reverb but this was for fun, glad you liked the outtakes, that's why I left them there, you obviously pay attention, not many people do on Steemit, cheers man

Of course I do if it is good stuff;) Thanks for your detailed reply, I get your point! Bathing in reverb;)

Bathe in reverb yes 👍 😎 Floyd, Queen and Zeppelin did it and everybody liked it hahah

I like the retro sound of it, digging the reverb! Very cute to see you as a couple getting into the groove together!

Hey thanks @geenaizzy yeah its a pleasure to do it together with Ava :) she's just starting to get a hold of instruments but she get's it quite well, a natural she is
Glad to see you digg the reverb, I'm in love with the reverb

Yeah she seems to have an amazing talent! Last week her first time drumming was great and this week the bass, too. Man that baby of yours must have a ball with all the rhythm happening!

I bet he is 😁 little guy enjoyed it, Ava said he kicked a lot while she was playing

Loved that bass tone at the beginning. It kind of lost me for a sec bc of the sound quality (sort of sounds like it's clipping a tad.. and then it really turned around for me. The melody on this part:

Situate yourself
On my wings
And you and I can go places

Come situate yourself
On my wing
Let's make this worth our while"

I found that really captivating & your voice really engaged on that first line!

Yeah @jaybird glad you like that "situate yourself" part just with vocal and the bass, voc and bass are really symbiotic there, actually my favorite part also 👍 it clips cause we had a bass and the guitar run through the Orange Crush 30R 😁with a dist and reverb, we just went with it at the moment, there will be better quality in the next vid's, always depends on a situation we'r in
Like your music as well Jay, like the improv from yesterday, actually just seen your "birds" vids recently when I've joined Steemit month ago, we'll keep a lookout for your post from now on

Right on, and totally. Sometimes you just gotta go with it.

I'm glad you've seen some of the steembirds vids. They r pretty funny so i hear ;)

@ivan.atman mah man! Great greta song! Kudos to u and ur wifey on the creation so happy to see u finding ur funk and crating in this beautiful community we need more people like u guys in the community.

Thank u for a great song and for sharing this with us, keep it up and good luck with the competition! Salute

Salutation to you @djlethalskillz glad you appreciate the piece 👍
Thanks for said words above man, for real ✌

That is awesome to see the pair of you making music together, absolutely amazing vibe from y'all. Good luck on this competition! This was really cool and upbeat. Great job. 😀

Thank you @topkpop glad you see it like that 👍 😎

Music is life music is love i love music, kept the music playing brotherly

Surely will @bendollars 👍

I totally loved this, you two! Great dynamics!

Appreciate it @passion-ground glad to see you recognize that about the song, this definitely means you do some music :)

Pretty cool stuff your jams @passion-ground just looked into your profile a bit, I thought you are just a judge, anybody ever pointed out the Tom Waits resemblance 👍 😎 cool style man

Ha! Thanks, man... Yes, in fact, @luzcypher pointed that out early on... I also get "Lou Reed" every now and again... Guess I just got one of those kinda "mugs." Ha-ha... Thanks again for checkin' out some of my jam sessions!

No problem man :) will check your music in the future ✌ on Gina bot's list you are

Great sound guys. Thanks for entering and look forward to hearing more.

Yeah @luzcypher we'll stick around 👍 😎

you are great!

those "five minutes more" are really worth it Sensei ;)

see you ahorita <3

Yes 😁 @supermiaou it was
thank you for waiting for me and helping me with the setup <3

Yeah! Nice grooves. I like the captions too, cool idea. Ava you are really good at bass for a first timer. Natural rhythm. No doubt y’alls baby will have good rhythm too with all these jams you been doin.

Thank you @dandelion 😎 yeah man Ava is a natural at all the instruments I throw at her, captions you can do easy on subtitle horse online, then afterwards put the first tag "yt:cc=on" in your youtube video and it will be hard coded, not have to be activated manually

This took me right back to the sixties and seventies... not just the reverb (yes, I read that exchange!), but the vocals, kind of gritty and sweet at the same time. I love the lyrics, and the singing across the board is really good, but I think my favorite part musically was when you just cut loose and sang wordlessly for a bit, reminded me of Robert Plant or Bono or any of those singers who do that and the kind of release it seems to bring in the feeling of the music, a little more primal and wild than with words. I also loved the buildup in the beginning with just the bass and the guitar scratching and then full chords coming in. Nicely done! Following :)

Very elaborate @bennettitalia I know what you mean by all this, you obviously know your stuff, yeah I like the wordless part and that fills in general, I'm glad someone also sees the beauty in what the vocals before had to offer, more dynamics and emotion there was yes, and less pretentious blabber you see today, more ideals were channeled through music rather than bling-bling and woop-woop of today, glad you enjoyed it, and liked you entry also, very eclectic and direct, very relaxed performance too, keep it up 👍 😎

Hey thanks, glad you enjoyed it!

I agree with you about dynamics and emotion and ideas, however I also think that there is a lot of amazing music being made today... the problem is most of it isn't on the radio. That's the big difference I think: the top down music management has increasingly had an M.O. of "kill it or control it" when it comes to musical expression, and today's pop radio is the result. However, there are many modern day bands that I feel exemplify the qualities you admire in the older music as well, as I'm sure you are aware :)

Thanks for the discussion, it's a valuable experience for me to exchange ideas with other creatives like this.

I didn't say there's no music amazing music today 😁 more like pin pointed what people appreciate today, yes there is lo't of great bands today and of course as a eclectic musician I am well aware of the majority of the of-stream bands offering that old touch, but there is not so seldom also a factor of many "of-stream" bands and even really good ones trying to prove the sounds already made in the older decades instead of understanding that "that" sounds came from eclecticism and idealism that was felt then and today all of those kinda disappeared, so what I think is missing today in most of bands of today is what Icelandic musicians have, and that is not trying to repeat but dig not only what sounds different but what feels different also, for them isolation helped yes, but even now when all of them have internet they still make one of the best music today, this is just my opinion 👍

Nice, I'll check Iceland out! And no, I didn't at all think that you were saying there's no good music today lol :D

We definitely have a similar perspective. Rock on, my friend!

Nice one guys!! Sounding SO good. xoxo

Thank you @sazzler 😄liked you'r entry tons

Wow amazing! 7 day curation is BS for music!

Thank you @nutela there are things turning up among the blockchain, Steemit is essentially a blogging platform so I can understand 7 days rule, but surely soon enough we'll have a music platform like (Spotify, Bandcamp..only a fair decentralized one 😉) in conjunction with Steemit 👍

really wow
nice voice nice wife :) and Beautiful playing

Your song justice!!!

I love the way you sing these lyrics:
Come situate yourself
On my wing

Such a great line
Also your vibe is awesome and Ava did REALLY good on the bass!
Peace and love you sweet people x

thanks a bunch @basilmarples people in the house also hooked on the same line 😄
and yeah Ava did awesome, I mean come on her first time yeah Ava
loved your entry man, you'r on my radar

Your vocals are very good. They make the song. Nicely done!