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RE: @Blocktrades + @Openmic: Steem Fest Giveaway - PART 2

in #openmic6 years ago (edited)

Well, after much trial and error... I think I got it! Thank you for the opportunity and for all the support, it really means a lot. <3

Here is the video to watch;

And my entry post;


@anomadsoul you gotta bring this farm girl to Steemfest for reals!

not just is she genuine and awesome and so easy on the dtube eyes....she's the girl next door big heart Steemian supporter that every community needs, she's the glue that hold our collective upvote seeking hearts together .........meaning for every 9,999 Steemians we so need 1 like @llfarms aka Justine the only reason we don't hae 10 Million active posters yet is because we don't have 10,000 Justineques Steemians

and as they attracts like, bring her there and watcher her multiple her hearts to 10K others!

Wow! I seriously don’t even know how to respond to this.. this is incredibly kind.. thank you so much @dj123 ❤️

I love being a part of the COM community, you guys are so stinking hilarious.. but more than that you are a true community helping to support each other with giggles along the way. You all have blown me away with your fundraising efforts and make me feel so at home.

Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️

I've known Justine from almost since I started blogging here and I can tell you she is one of the best and more passionate curators around this place , she is also a very sweet person and human being and is always there to lend a hand to anyone around. Not only for the work she does for @curie and @c-squared. Also, one of the reasons the @helpie project was able to lift off the ground was in great part because of her , she was ( and still is ) from day 1 one of the core members of the team, we are so happy to have her around as her opinion is always taken very seriously. And of course , she likes cake as much as I do .. hahaha ! Do yourselves a favor and take her along !


Oh piggy, you always know just what to say to make me all weak in the knees 😜

Thank you, really.. thank you. We have been on this journey together from pretty much the beginning, and our friendship is one I will always cherish. Your huge heart is evident to all around you and I can’t thank you enough for always being a pillar of support for me. You are an incredible human being and I’m lucky to have you as my fellow cake loving friend. ❤️

Seriously though.. when are we having a cake meet up???

The cake meet up will happen someday ;) .. I'm going to practice my pancake throwing skills for that occasion .. Thank you for your sweet words Justine , I also cherish this friendship from the times I chatted with a bee avatar at discord :D and it's almost been a year since then , lots of cake convos! time sure flies ! yay for unexpected journeys and yay for LL at Steemfest !

This gal — this gorgeous powerhouse of a woman — is such an obvious force for good on this platform. Not only does she work tirelessly behind-the-scenes to ensure others are recognized and celebrated, but she does so with such humility and grace, never seeking praise or acknowledgement for her efforts.

Though my engagement leans further into content creation than curation, I’ve often felt that Justine and I are kindred spirits — that we share something of a similar appreciation for our fellow humans.

While a part of me regrets not participating in this contest, I’m bolstered by the idea of Justine being there as a brilliant representative. I can think of few people more deserving.... 💜

😭 Thank you for such unbelievably kind words Zippy ❤️

I agree, I think we both have this love for people which makes us not only connect to them but want to uplift them. You are a beautiful soul dear and I’m so lucky to have you as a friend.

Also, thanks for calling me out on the redirecting... I forget I do that lol. 🤗

llfarms is one of my favourite persons on Steemit, because she is so warm and fun and brave and giving, in short she is a beautiful person inwardly and now after I watched the video, I can say, also outwardly lol. I love your long hair lele <3.

I don't need to say that her blog is awesome, do I? I mean, check it out yourself if you haven't, because it's pretty obvious XD.

However, she's not only a great poster on Steemit. She's also an awesome curie curator, hard at work everyday looking for undiscovered gem and talent AND she is a great mentor to a lot of aspiring curators, guiding us and giving us plenty of advice and encouragement whenever we need it. I can assure you that this mentorship is pretty full on, as she has to review a lot of our suggestions.

I have seen her in many discord channels, and not only she is nice to everyone, she has the strength to be honest and brave also. She speaks her mind freely, even when she disagrees with whales. I have witnessed her trying to pacify two powerful Steemians and she bravely charged through in between them because she believes they are both good people.

I feel that Steemfest wouldn't be the same if lele is not there. She is really a star quality Steemian and I wish more people would be able to know her so they can treasure her presence in this platform because we absolutely need people like her to stick around.

Please help lele save the world go to Steemfest <3.

Oh my goodness @scrawly, thank you so so much!! Your kind words just made my week, you are so amazing and caring. Thank you for your support and encouragement. I really enjoy mentoring and being able to work together to make sure authors get the recognition they deserve. More than that though, I enjoy the individuals I get to know on a personal level.. like yourself. The friendships built from that are worth more than anything else to me.

Oh brave or stupid not sure which.. I forget people witnessed that 🙈 I can see that people are passionate about this place and that passion mixed with frustration boils over at times. I figure, it only shows how much they care.

To be perfectly honest with you, the comments here and support I’ve received feels like I won something even more valuable than this prize could offer and that to me is what really matters. Thank you for being a part of that. ❤️

As she says, she hates talking about herself, so allow me to do it for her. Umm, where should I start.

I first met her in our Curie Curation Links channel on the Curie Discord server. It was a bit of a training ground for us to find new Curie Curators. In there we could give them feedback on posts and help them learn what it takes to become part of Curie. It was clear to me almost immediately that she'd be an amazing curator for Curie. It was a big plus that she was already a part of the Helpie community, but really she was a natural. As such, I recommended her to become part of Curie soon after.

Since joining Curie in March she has ascended to the upper levels of the community. She quickly became a Top Curator, as well as one of the top mentors. She has personally been responsible for submitting over 200 post that have received a Curie upvote in her six months with Curie. It would take me too long to figure out how many others she has been indirectly responsible for through mentoring, and giving advice to many other curators who have come to trust her opinions.

She, two other Curie Top Curators, and I created c-squared a little over three months ago. It is a broader curation project focused on curating a larger portion of the blockchain populous. It can get some attention and upvotes to many posts that won't fit within the Curie guidelines.

She is the perfect spokesperson for curation on the platform. Without curation everything on the blockchain would fall apart. She works tirelessly on curation, and as she and many others have said, she is passionate about it. While at SteemFest she will be doing a great presentation on all facets of curation. Hopefully it will lead to more people realizing just how important it is, and share in her passion.

I know all the other contestants have a great reason for going, but I think it you really look at all of the reasons @llfarms is going you will see she is extremely deserving of the support of this contest - and of the many comments I have already read here.

In closing - did I mention she has also become a great friend in the past six months, and is an amazing person in general - I suspect that has been the case for much longer than six months.

Thanks for reading my ramblings,
@randomwanderings (Gene)

Oh Gene, you are such an amazing mentor and friend.. I’m so lucky to have you. 🤗

Of course you come in here all numbers and business, I didn’t even know the number of posts I’ve submitted lol.. thank you! So thankful you saw something in me that led you to help me start my curator journey, it’s been an absolute blast.

I’m excited for our continued journey helping to improve the platform in anyway we can and just being able to support each other through it all. Thank you so so much for your constant support and encouragement, it means the world to me. ❤️❤️❤️

btw.. that ummmm did not go unnoticed 😜

Curie, c-squared (and to a certain degree, Helpie); I am involved in all of them with Justine and I couldn't think of anyone more deserving to go to Steemfest. She represents not only these communities but what I believe to be the best way forward for the blockchain as a whole. Her outlook on what needs to be done to make Steem a top 10 cryptocurrency in terms of community building is spot on. This girl needs to be at steemfest.

Thank you Mark, that means a lot coming from you! Thanks for the constant support and letting me run my crazy ideas by you as well. Look forward to working together on some of those things and little by little, making this place a bit better. 🤗

@llfarms embodies what an ideal steemian should be, so her presence is absolutely crucial at SteemFest because she will bring her beautiful spirit, and her talents, and her humour, and her personality, and maybe her baking goodies too...!

She's just absolutely gorgeous. Down to earth, energetic, full with love <3 She mentors and guides others and are always so open and approachable. She promotes quality contents and she makes you feel like you matter in her world :)

An amazing woman, an absolute gem of a friend, and a power curator * ___ *

I think, at the heart of it, lele (my nick name for her) (XD) understands the zeitgeist of what would lift a blogging platform to success levels. That is, her focus on people and her passion for community building!

She is also wonder woman! (Just look at her) (Sorry, lele, I outted your secret identity!!!!)

Make wonders! Bring her to Steemfest \o/

Oh my spidey 😭... you are an amazing human being... and you’ve made me cry, in a totally good way. To say your words touched the deepest parts of my heart would be the under statement of the century... I’m speechless and blown away. THANK YOU❤️❤️❤️

Thank you so much. You are such a force to be reckoned with on this platform; you’re talented, community focused and you have such a passion for people and uplifting them.. you are so special. We need more people like you here and I’m so glad we’ve been able to work together to make sure those authors don’t go undiscovered. I’m excited to see the things we can accomplish in the future and am so thankful to have your support and encouragement.. thank you

She deserves it :-)

There's others who deserve it as well, but she is simply one of them and I loved that very true video. I appreciate the sincerity she portrays and can't wait to sit with her in a corner at SteemFest observing people for the first few hours before we come out of our shells :')

Oh thank you!!! I’m so excited about that too!! So funny.. when I read your SteemFest posts I feel ya and totally can relate.. I immediately felt thankful for someone to chat in a corner with, while we help each other come out of those shells. I feel the festival is really going to be one of those experiences that stays with you forever, and it’s because of the amazing people going like yourself. I so look forward to getting to know you and am so thankful for these incredibly kind words.. thank you ❤️

I really enjoyed your 2 videos for that contest. I also really enjoyed hearing you on the radio the other day. I hope to see you at SteemFest!

Teamsteem you know you are one of the nicest people on this platform right? I’ve had a blast hanging out with you at msp from time to time.. and you’re insane generosity does not go unnoticed. You’ve got such a big heart and I’m thrilled to be able to meet you in Poland. Thanks so much for the support ❤️❤️❤️

hey girl!!!! I look forward to meeting you too =) I love that you are passionate about curation and quality on this platform, we definitely have that in common! =) Good luck with everything!!!

Well i'm not sure what else to add to these awesome comments! I agree with all that has been said.

@llfarms has worked so hard this year, out of the spotlight, to find the best content on Steem and thoroughly deserves a decent reward for this.

We need more sweet and selfless types here!

Good luck Justine!

Thank you Asher! Getting to know you since starting this SteemFest journey has been really amazing. You’re such a rockstar on this platform who is so passionate and working so hard to make this place better. I’m honored to not only call you a bit of a mentor, but a friend. You’re awesome dude. Thanks for all the support ❤️

@llfarms, LLcoolMom, lele... why I'm telling you those nicknames? Because she didn't pull those from a magic hat, people gave them to her, people in different communities around the platform, but I'll get to the point.

Justine is not only an amazing Wonder Woman cosplayer (wait... what do you mean that's not on purpose?) she's the AVATAR of engagement, for real, she's all over the blockchain, I met her in Curie while I was training to become a curator, she became one of my mentors (and almost my second mom) and I'm still trying to reach her level, she introduced me to the crazy lovable bastards of Helpie, I was there when she birthed C Squared with a couple of nobodies (sorry guys but she's the star in this one) and she's not only a one-timer on those communities, hell fucking no, that's not enough for her, she's ENGAGED she puts all of herself on those communities she loves and not only works for the betterment of such communities she's like a beacon fo positive energy and love, you hardly can find a person as amazing as Justine, she deserves to go to Steemfest because she can make the whole blockchain better, so send her to Poland...

P.D. I love you Justine you're my hero and my inspiration
P.D.D. Her gif game has improved a lot, that has to count for something right?

Oh my god 😂... this is amazing... thank you. While I laughed hysterically through it because you are a comic genius... my heart Is beaming with love. I would type more but this page is so full of love it keeps freezing so ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Justine is the one who has just gotta win this ticket. Such a wonderfully supportive, dedicated, and friendly sSteemian, she embodies what Steemit is all about. Good luck Justine ♡♡♡

Awww thank you Amy! ❤️❤️❤️ So glad we have gotten to know each other a bit more. Thank you for the lovely words and encouragement 🤗



Oh I hope I am not too late to cast a vote for my sweet, badass friend, Justine! I wish I had more time to say more, but I just would like to say what a beautiful heart and soul she has. I feel that Justine deserves to go to Steemfest because she is such a huge supporter of the people of Steemit. She is constantly lifting the undiscovered and unappreciated bloggers up to the top of the seas, so to speak, via her mad curating skills and also by way of her kind words of encouragement and advice.

She's like a little fairy ninja.. floating around behind the scenes, sprinkling startdust here and there and everywhere.. little sprinkles of love and hope and joy. I sound like a Hallmark card just exploded or something, I know.. but my words are true. Anyone who watches Justine's video here ( and the first one) should be able able to see how badly she wants this, and also how modest and humble she is in her requests. Let's share some love with her the way she constantly shares hers with us.
Love ya Justine! Good luck!

That video came out great! I would love to see a presentation on how Curie works from an insider. Hopefully someone will stream it from Krakow.

Thank you!! I’ve actually been meaning to make a post about the inner workings of Curie.. maybe I’ll make it a video to help practice me for the SteemFest presentation 😉

I really appreciate the support!

You can't get much more engaged with Steem communities than @llfarms. Seriously. A top Curie curator, Helpie, MSP, one of the co-founders of the C² Curation Collective which is the largest (by number of curators) and by far the most diverse and inclusive manual curation effort on the blockchain.

Thank you Carl! I’m excited for the future of C2 and to really be the example of what community curation can be. Thank you for your constant support and letting me go on this crazy journey with you!

I have seen all of your efforts in different curation groups and I must say you are really passionate about it. You could actually spend your time with creating your own content, or doing other things but you choose to spend it to improve the platform. Of course, I think you deserve to be there!

Thank you friend ❤️ Your constant support has helped me be able to come out of my shell a bit. It’s appreciated more than you know!

YES! You're a mentor in so many ways and I'm so looking forward to meet you in person.

Ahhh I’m so excited to meet you too!!

Thank you! Being mentor Mom is one of my favorite roles ❤️ Miss you friend!

You're doing great and sweet and selfless and... Inside and outside your "comfort-zone". Glad to have been "stuck" with you for these 10 minutes, now Steemfest will be "stuck" with you too ;-) Go for it! :-) <3

Thank you Winston! You are always so encouraging, I really appreciate it so much. Thank you for being you ❤️

I thought you already won after round 1. @llfarms must go to SF 100%.

Hahah Thank you GG! ☺️ I really appreciate it ❤️

@llfarms best of luck with round 2. #helpie

Thank you so much!

What a sweetheart!

☺️ thank you

I have been seeing you around (Not so deep into details ) and.. I know you've been doing such positive things around the platform. I would be happy if you get the ticket. (I would be happy if I do too :D) Good luck to us all then! :) ❤

Thank you!! I love how many people we are getting to know through our journey to steemfest. I’m so rooting for you too! I’m excited to meet you in Poland and have some laughs together. ❤️

Can’t wait to see your video!

Hahahha I'm so not good at just talking so I'm nervous to make one :D LOL ❤️

You’re amazing and so full of energy! You can do it girlie, get on it! 😉

cant think of anyone who deserves it more than Justine

Thank you ❤️❤️❤️

@llfarms is the one. them tickets need to get into the hands of this farm lady. I have never seen anything but fun, joy, curiosity, sharing, curating. She is a definition of engagement. approachable and open... steemfest would be at a lack without this lass!!!

❤️❤️❤️ Thank you!! farm lady.. I’m gonna have to get some overalls to live up to my name! Haha thanks so much for the support

yes to overalls!!

overalls added to my amazon order 😜

Well, you have my vote. Unless @jerrybanfield is entered. I think it's safe to say that everyone, at least in COM, appreciates everything you do for this crazy blockchain and its creators.

Content creators, that is.

Yeah, so thanks for that.


😂😂😂 oh man, I can’t compete against Jerry.. I would just have to concede for sure.

Thank you! ❤️

Llfarms is such a fantastic member of so many communities- I learned of her through the make a minnow contest on msp, and since she has regularly proved to be a great member of other groups as well.

❤️ thank you! You are such a ninja curator and I love your passion for this place. Your support means a lot!

I know you'll select her and give her this chance
I've got a good feeling so thanks in advance
She looks like a winner and will make you so proud
Just angel in Poland as part of your crowd

Another lovely poem.. I’m blushing again 😊

Thank you so much!!! 😇

It easy when you have good material

@llfarms deserves to go to steemfest she stands out in my feed and it’s a no brainer! It wasn’t even hard to choose, not selecting her means we have too much to lose! And our best and brightest are not being represented

If my plea does not convince you allow me to illustrate it in some slam poetry!

Justine, Justine!
To not have her at at steemfest is
just mean!

So Just do it, ok! Do it

Posted using Partiko iOS

Your comments are seriously making my day today!!! Thank you so much 🤗

I totally imagined chanting of the slam poetry lol, love it! ❤️ Thank you

I think @llfarms should win the steemfest giveaway because she is a real genuine person. She actually makes original content and shares real life with us. She is a great example of what is good about Steemit and how if more people participated like her, Steemit would be a much better place.

Thank you so much guys ❤️

Good luck with this one. Can't wait to hear your experience from Europe and SF!

Thanks squirrel 😜

Everything everybody here said. Plus LL is the best to ever do this shii. On God!

Awww Ras.. thanks love 🤗❤️🤗

Out of all the Steemit people I know, Justine's probably the most passionate about the platform and its people. She's such a huge positive force that lifts up and supports several communities. Someone who cares and loves the platform that much deserves to be in Steemfest. Plus, her smile is so adorable 💗

😊 Thank you so much, you are much too kind! Thanks for all the support and friendship you have shown me.. I’ve enjoyed curating with you over the last few months. We miss you though ❤️

Ll totally deserves to win! Though I've never talked to her, I'm always seeing her around, making a random steemian's day. She's also all about guiding and helping communities and we at COM, greatly appreciate her presence.

Looking forward to those interviews @llfarms!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much for the support! Love the COM community, such a great group of individuals ❤️

Great to hear that you're coming more out of your shell and blogging/vlogging more Justine. I kinda went the opposite way when I began on steemit and was all about content at first then sidled behind the scenes more later on ;-)

Good luck with the contest, I look forward to working with you on the curie presentation and hanging out at SF3 :-)

Thank you! Yes the coming out of my shell has been quite the experience... I’m getting a bit Moreno comfortable with it though which is good.

We are gonna rock the presentation and then of course eat baked goods.. how could it be bad? Thanks so much for the support, I’m rooting for you!!

@llfarms would be a great choice to win this competition. She's been active and helping people on the platform for quite a while now and has been involved in several of the communities that exist in that Discord/STEEM cooperative land where many of us have found a home. All around lovely person and beautiful soul that deserves to be recognized by the community for all of her contributions. :)

Thank you so much Clay!! Wish you were going 😕 I need a bear hug! Thank you for the love and support ... it means a lot ❤️

If someone puts a lot of effort into making steemit a better place is @llfarms. She is one the most passionate curators I know, and has helped mentor a lot of us. She's kinda like the curie mom. Can't think of anyone else who deserves this more than her.

Awww thank you Gaby! ❤️ Curie Mom, lol love that. Thanks for being an all around just awesome person and a rockstart curator. Your love for this place and the authors who make it special is evident in all you do, thanks for that.

We are stuck with you! Turns our you are awesome and worth though!

This comment is my intention of supporting LLFarms as a recipient of a SteemFest ticket, she has been an incredible curator and mentor to so many, and has helped me a lot learn the ropes of the groups behind a lot of these initiatives, like @curie.

I look forward to the content that you will produce while in Poland Justine!

Thank you so much!! You’re a great curator who sees the exceptional in those valuable authors.. thanks for taking the time to make sure they don’t go unnoticed ❤️

@llfarms, I need you at Steemfest! Who else will join me lying on the floor? 🤣
But serious did you already create a list of steemians/curators/curation feeds you want to interview?

I am so gonna lie on the floor with you! Let’s weird some people out!! 😜... can we listen to awesome music too? This actually sounds like a fun activity for SF haha.

I do have a few that have already said yes to be interview, which is really exciting. Then I have kind of a wish list of those I want to interview... I’m kind of excited!

Thanks for the support and kindness... can’t wait to meet you in November!

Hehe thanksfor joining me! 🕺
Music is always a good idea. What kind of music do you like?

How are the interview plans going? Good to hear you got a wishlist 😎

Is it already November? Wait what NOOOO... not even October yet 🙈

Good luck, lele. She 100% deserves a ticket to SF. She was very inspirational to me when I joined the curie. She is definitely a passionate mentor. She gave me a positive look about Steemit, Curie, Csquared. I want to convey the message about the people like her on Steemit to everyone else. Pls take her to SF. Thank you.

Oh thank you so much lenancie!! We have had fun while curating and I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you. You’re sweetheart, thank you so much for the support here 🤗

I think you really deserve it!!!

That's all I've to say. :-D

Such a great attitude and direction. I've had many opportunities to interact with you and the Curation trail and have always enjoyed your attention to detail and your commitment to the Steemit platform. Best of luck to you. I think you would be a wonderful pick to win this contest ;9)